Chapter Sixteen

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A/N thanks so much for the entries you guys ❤❤ the band members will be introduced fully in the next few chapters so stay tuned!

Luckily by the time me and Felix had returned to the study hub, Madison and Isaac were sitting a reasonable distance apart and did not look at all suspicious. If I hadn't seen her tears for myself, I wouldn't have believed that she had been crying only ten minutes ago. The ring had been stored safely away back in it's box but was now housed in Madison's bag rather than Isaac's. I suppose it would bring up some awkward questions if she just suddenly started wearing such a beautiful ring that definitely did not come from her boyfriend.

Felix settled into the seat next to Madison and flung an arm around Madison while Isaac unconsciously shuffled closer to my side. The year thirteens had returned from their assembly by this point so the study hub was filled with chatter relating to the summer holidays and the gig coming up this Wednesday.

Period one had ended by this point so we we also joined by (fortunately) Scott and (unfortunately) Aaron, who was sat a mere two tables away and failing at pretending to be busy when he really was just listening in to our conversation. Scott sat next to me on the other side and I couldn't help notice that he would shoot daggers with his eyes at Aaron every five minutes. I really don't understand the relationship they have. He always met my confused gaze with a heart throbbing smile so I didn't question it.

We had moved onto the topic of music and I was just waiting for the perfect opportunity to bring up the Shin Shallow's gig on Wednesday and hopefully invite Scott to come with me. It could be our first official date! Just thinking about standing so close to him in the crowd, moving to the music and feeling his body pressed flush against mine makes my heart race and face heat up.

"Have you guys heard about the gig on Wednesday night? It's going to be legendary!" Felix's enthusiasm seeped into his speech and immediately brought up the atmosphere of our table. After all, his enthusiasm is contagious.

"Tickets are all sold out though, I only managed to get one but I don't want to go alone. Do you guys know of anyone else who is going?" Felix gave his best puppy dog eyes and I noticed Isaac mime throwing up, causing Madison to giggle at his antics.

"I wish I could go too." Scott groaned. "They are like my favourite band but they always sell out way too fast."

"Well actually..." Here's my chance! "I have a spare ticket, if you'd want to go with me?"

His whole face lit up and I felt the butterflies in my stomach start doing back flips.

"That would be amazing P! Thank you so much!" His grin spread from ear to ear and he threw an arm around my shoulders.

"Looks like you won't have to go alone after all Felix."

Oh God. We are going to have an awkward third wheel.

That's just the way it is (complete)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon