Chapter Eight

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Oh thank god! I recognised that voice. Isaac! His voice snapped Aaron out of his trance and he immediately stepped away and removed his hands from my body.

"Jesus, how many men do you have in your life princess? Seems like we are always being interrupted." He muttered so that the newcomer couldn't hear him and then chuckled at his own joke under his breath.

I met Isaac's confused gaze and offered him a small smile. I completely backed away from Aaron, grabbed Isaac's hand and legged it.

I completely ignored Aaron's shouting and just concentrated on getting as far away from there as possible while tugging a confused Isaac behind me.

There were too many different thoughts racing around my mind like what the hell would have happened if Isaac hadn't interrupted? I am so glad he did otherwise that would have been the biggest mistake of my life so far! I had only just recently found out that Scott liked me back and I almost kissed his freaking brother. Ugh. I seriously hate myself right now for not getting out of that situation way sooner than I did.

I didn't realise where my feet were taking me until I came to a holt outside the Costa closest to our school. It made me hyper-aware of the fact that I hadn't had anything to eat or drink yet this morning and my stomach grumbled audibly as Isaac laughed at the sound.

"You find seats, I'll order your usual and then we will talk about that okay?" His voice was gentle and soothing, instantly making me feel better about this whole situation. He held the door open for me with one hand as I still had an embarrassingly tight grip on his other which I quickly released, feeling my face heat up for like the millionth time today.

I settled into our usual table by the window, completely relaxing as I sunk into the cushy sofa, a sigh escaping my lips. Me, Madison and Isaac practically lived at this table last year when we were revising for our exams, I would be suprised if the baristas didn't know our orders off by heart at this point.

Isaac looks taller and more muscular than I remember he was at the beginning of summer and his hair has grown out of his normal buzz cut and was now carefully styled up with gel. He looks really good, to be honest. He's even dressing better than he did last year, he seems to have finally brought clothes that actually fit him properly rather than drowning in the fabric of shirts several sizes too big. It makes him look way more mature, he looks more like a teacher than a student.

He carefully placed the cup of hot chocolate with ample amounts of whipped cream piled on top in front of me as to not spill a single drop and put the plate with the croissant down next to it before settling into the sofa next to me with his own drink.

"So, do you want to explain what all of that was about?"

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