Chapter Five

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"Paige?" A look of confusion passed over Scott's face as he looked from me to Aaron then back to me again.

"Ah, so this is Paige. You have excellent taste bro." Scott flinched at the last part of Aaron's sentence but I really have no idea why.

"What are you doing?" Scott's voice was harsh, his glare trained on Aaron.

"Just helping out a pretty cute girl with her shopping." Aaron dropped the box of cereal he had grabbed for me into the trolley beside us.

Scott's glare dropped from his face as he met my confused gaze and offered a small smile that sent my heart racing.

"I'm sure that Paige can manage by herself. Besides, if she really needed help, we both know I am more suitable. I'm taller and stronger than you are." Aaron rolled his eyes at Scott's statement.

"Whatever you say. If you're so suitable," He made air quotations with his hands, "maybe you can finish off here by yourself. Later dude." He turned and stalked off down the aisle with the clear intention of just leaving Scott by himself, without waiting for a reply from him.

Scott groaned and walked over to me.

"Sorry about him P. He can be such an ass sometimes, I mean all the time. I hope he didn't say anything weird to you?" He phrased his words as a question but there is no way I could tell him what Aaron said, it's way too cringey. Just thinking about saying what he said out loud makes my skin crawl.

I shook my head in response and Scott let out a sigh of relief.

"Who is he anyway? You two don't look like you get along very well at all."

"We don't, is the short answer. I'm like one hundred percent positive that he hates me but the feeling is completely mutual."

He paused, avoiding my question about who exactly Aaron was to him.

"I could help you finish your shopping, if you'd like? Think of it as a way for making up for the fact we won't be able to hang out properly until school starts."

"I'd like that, thanks."

It didn't take that long to complete the task with Scott's help and I gladly didn't have to resort to climbing up the shelves to get all of the items on my list. I wish it had taken longer though so I could have spent more time with him.

That's just the way it is (complete)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ