Chapter Twenty One

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We were late to form that morning (I insisted on treating him to coffee and we lost track of the time chatting away) and got some weird looks from our class mates as we walked in together.

"Now that all of you are finally here," Mr Collins shot us a look as we sat down together away from where Scott and Madison sat, "I have a few announcements." I tuned out his dull voice, knowing the usual beginning of year notices we got everyday for the first week for the past five years of going to this school. Scott had fully twisted around in his seat to face us and was frantically mouthing something but I don't know how to read lips so I just shrugged at him. His frown deepend and his lips parted to begin to mouth something else but Mr Collins called for his attention so he sheepishly apologised and faced the front once again.

"What did he say?" Aaron leaned in to murmur into my ear, his breath hitting my sensitive neck and sending a shiver down my spine.

"I honestly have no idea." I breathed back and he moved away before Mr Collins could reprimand us too.

"Class dismissed." The classroom filled with the rather unpleasant sounds of chairs scraping over the hardwood flooring and the chatter of our classmates. I fell into step with Aaron as we headed through the crowded corridors towards the library so he could work on his psychology homework but I felt a hand grip my wrist and tug me backwards.

"Paige. What the fuck are you doing with him?" Scott growled and I flinched. I've never seen him look so angry in my whole life and I was there when he found out Libby cheated on him.

"Let go of her!" Aaron was by my side within seconds, grabbing Scott's wrist to try and pull his hand off. His grip tightened instead and I saw my skin around his hand start to go red. I bit my lip to keep the whimper that was building up inside me from escaping.

"I need to talk to her and since it's none of your business you should just fuck off back to York." Scott spat out. The corridor was deadly silent by this point, a circle had formed around us with students craning their heads to get a better view on what was causing the traffic jam.

"How dare you!" Aaron's eyes narrowed into a deathly glare that Scott was quick to return. "I didn't fucking ask for this and you know that!"

"Aw, is the little baby going to play the "my mother has cancer" card?" Aaron physically reeled back at Scott's words and I felt my heart drop. I forcefully yanked my arm out of Scott's grip and struck him across his stupid face. He stumbled backwards clutching the right side of his face, his eyes comically wide in shock.

"Fuck you Scott." I grabbed Aaron's hand and ran.

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