Chapter 2: Introductions

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Wait, did I really just think that?

What the hell? ...oops.

Sam stares at me, and I simply stare back, because it's not like I can really say anything.

I wish I could.

He blinks, as if pulling himself out of the shock of... whatever shock it is of seeing me. Probably my youth, which is something quite a few people seem to be surprised about when they meet me. It's as if since I'm younger I don't know how dangerous being a runner truly is, as if I haven't seen life after life taken by the undead over the past three years.

But when have you really cared about what other people thought? My inner voice questions. You just barely cared about the opinions of those two people at Mullins, and they're both dead.

I grimace, but bring my attention back on Sam. Studying his face a bit longer I see he doesn't look that old either. Just past nineteen or twenty I'm guessing.

"Sorry," He says after we both stand there for several seconds in silence. "I'm guessing you're our new runner."

I nod.

"Well, I'm Sam, but I guessed you kind of figured that."

Another nod.

"Well, welcome to Abel Township," Sam laughs then rubs the back of his neck. "Don't worry. Not every mission will be like that."

'Good,' I sign without really thinking about the fact that he probably has no idea what I'm saying. 'Because as... exciting as that was, I'd rather be prepared for my missions, if that's not too much to ask.'

Sam laughs again. "Yeah. We'll be sure to make sure you prepared for your next mission."

"Uh, Sam," The redhead-Jack-says, "Runner Five didn't say anything."

"Well, yes but she... she signed it."
I blink, my lips twitching up in pleasant surprise. Well, looks like I have someone who'll know what I'm saying after all.

"When did you learn sign language?" Jack asks, and Sam shrugs in reply.

"I've always known it-well. I've known it since I was like, seven because my dad thought it would be a good idea for me to learn other languages, and BSL technically is one. Just never had any deaf people in the township."

I tap my foot to regain their attention, the small smile that had been on my face morphing into a frown. 'I can hear perfectly fine. I'm just mute. That's why I'm still a runner.'

What idiot would make a deaf person a runner?

Sam looks away in embarrassment for about half a second before turning his eyes back to me. I let out a breath of air, and resist from shuddering at the feeling of my sweat starting to dry and causing my clothing to stick to my skin. It's happened before many times, but that doesn't exactly mean I've gotten used to it.

But even with my very strong urge to shower and get off the grime and slightly burnt smell I have lingering on me, my need for answers is a lot stronger.

'I also want to know who shot a rocket launcher at my helicopter,' I sign with a straight face, 'and why?'

"What'd she say?" Eugene asks Sam.

"She asked about her helicopter and the rocket launcher," Sam replies. "We don't know really. It definitely wasn't anyone from the township. We needed those supplies."

I look around the pitiful town with a hint of disgust. Obviously

It's all mostly tents, with a few buildings here and there. But even those look weak and old and run down, as if they were hastily and poorly built. There's only one building in the middle of the settlement that looks decent-good in fact. It appears to be a farmhouse but I'm sure it's being used for reasons other than living space.

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