Chapter 7: Exhaustion

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Yeah, because it's not like I'm tired or anything from running around trying to save your kid from exposure, or the ya know... flesh eating undead!

I stand there for a few short moments as Ed speeds off on the bike, but after a second or so of catching my breath I'm back to a quick jog. It's not as steady as before, it quickening and slowing down from time to time, but it's still at a good constant I think.

My mind drifts toward the rocket launcher we found-the one that's now strapped to the back of Ed's bike. I doubt we'll be able to go all C.I.A. on it and check for finger prints, but now we now where they were camped, and where they might actually be from. The closer we get to finding that out, the closer we get to finding who exactly 'they' are, and why they did what they did.

Costed Sierra her life, that's what they did. And I'm going to find out why.

I didn't know the pilot all that well, mostly because I'm not a people person, but she was still a human being. A person who had dreams and goals and maybe a hope that we might find out a way to stop this madness, and now she's gone... She's gone because of some unknown person shot down our chopper for some unknown reason.

My breathing quickens and I can feel the heat on my cheeks and neck, although I'm not sure if the reason from the two are from anger or the fact that I'm just nearly sprinting now, my rage filled thoughts distracting me from what I'm doing. Good thing there aren't any trees nearby or I'd most likely have smacked right into one by now.

She's dead because of whatever the hell is Project Greenshoot. She's dead because she knew something about it, even though really it's ME who's supposed to get the briefing. She died because she just so happened to be the lucky pilot who was flying ME to Abel Township. She died...

"Hey, Five. What're you doing?"

She died because of me.

"Why're you running so fast? I don't see anything on the scanners."

With his words I come to a complete stop. My hair hits my face and flies into my open mouth which is gasping for air once more. I run one hand into my already messy hair while the other nervously grips my backpack strap.

I'm thinking too much. I realize. I'm thinking too much.

"F-Five? Are you okay? Is something wrong?" Sam questions with concern practically dripping from his voice. I'm not really sure how I can respond. I don't think he'd be able to see me signing on the cameras and I haven't gotten the chance to teach him Morse code.

"Um, okay. Since I don't know Morse code just yet we're going to do the simple tap one for yes, tap two for no, alright?"

I roll my eyes as I start lightly jogging again, having now somewhat caught my breath. I tap the mic of my headset once in response.

"Okay got that. Now are you okay?"


"Are you sure?"


He hesitates before speaking again. "Are you lying?"

I frown at that, tapping twice a bit more forceful than the times before.

"Hey, not so hard, Five," He scolds. "It was just a question, although you did scare me a bit. Thought you might've saw something that I couldn't." There's a hint of nervousness and fear in his voice, but he plays it off with a light chuckle. "Don't do anything like that again, alright?"

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