Chapter 52: Horde

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A flare shoots up high into the sky, passing the treetops and heading to the direction to the base, and giving the zombies something to follow.

"What was that?" Jody squeaks, and I gasp at hearing the sound of her voice. It's been ten minutes since her last transmission warning us about the zombies. I thought she had-

"Four, is that you?" Sam questions. "You're still alive?"

"Just about, Sam. I'm trying to out pace the zombie horde but there are just so many, and they're heading right for the base. What's driving them?"

"We think it's New Canton. They were going to raid us but they've turned back and now they're using flares to encourage the zombies toward us."

'Do you really think they'd do that?' I question. I know New Canton residents don't exactly like us but would they really encourage zombies to head toward us? Do they not realize there are good people here? Do they not realize we have children here?

Milo, Willis, and Penelope... I have to keep them safe. The thought of anything happening to them makes me feel sick to my stomach, but the thought of them getting bitten-the thought of them going gray... Oh, God.

"They're the only ones around to," He answers.

"Someone's going to die out here today," Jody panics. "Probably lots of someones."

"Runner Three, Runner Five, Runner Six, Runner Seven. We need you north of the base urgently-running decoy on this horde. Get here now or when they arrive they'll tear down the whole base." His words are hard and authoritative, but I can hear the fear lying underneath. "Run!"

I can feel my heart pounding in my chest, each pulse of blood running through my veins, each inhale, each exhale-I can feel it. Adrenaline pushes me forward, and my mind won't stop racing, repeating the same thought over and over and over again.

I have to save them.
I have to save them.
I have to save them.

The fear of losing Caleb, or the kids, or Sam or Maxine or Summer or Ed or Molly or Sarah or anyone... it threatens to overtake me. I can't lose anyone else. I can't let anyone else die. I can't. I can't.

I can't.

I don't realize how shallow my breathing has become until Maggie places her hand on my shoulder. "Calm down, Five. You'll be no use to anyone if you pass out from hyperventilating."

I nod, trying to get back to a semi-normal breathing pace while my hand reaches up to grab my backpack strap, clutching it tightly in my hand until my knuckles turn white. My fingers ache, but I don't let go. I'm too scared. I'm too worried and panicked as we leave that patch of trees out into the open field.

I see them in the far off distance.

Lord have mercy.

I've only seen a horde like this once before, and it was because I was sent to be a help at another base in Kentucky for a few weeks since it was just starting to get bigger. I hated it because I had to leave Wes and Katelyn, but I still went because I really didn't have a choice.

I remember watching them approach. I remember the fear some of the residents had in their eyes as they got closer and closer. They ended up breaking in. I've forgotten how many people I had to kill that day. Although I know they weren't people when I killed them.

That base had metal walls and way more guns than Abel. Their defense was amazing, border lining superb, and it still fell. If those zoms make it to the Township, we won't stand a chance.

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