Chapter 32: Ultra-Violet

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When I get back I'm breathless, sweaty, and my legs feel like jello, but adrenaline is still pumping through my veins, keeping the tiredness away from me for a bit longer. My lungs burn as my mind whirls with thoughts.

New Canton plans on raiding us. Maxine has found something on Patient Twenty-nine's files.

New Canton plans on raiding us.
Maxine has found something on Patient Twenty-nine's files.

The two statements replay in my head over and over again, and even as I see Caleb and the trio excitedly waiting my return I can't force a smile on my face.

"Hey, Runner Five," Caleb greets. "Looks like you got quite a workout." His brows furrow when I just keep breathing heavily, my eyes still wide and panicked. "H-hey, what's wrong?"

'I probably shouldn't say anything-'

"You look like you've seen a ghost, Five," He says insistently. "Tell me what's wrong?"

"Are you okay, Five?" Willis asks, and I internally wince at the concern in his eyes as well as Milo's and Penelope's.

'I'll be fine,' I answer, giving a very stiff half-shrug for emphasis.

"Hey, no. I'm not letting you keep this from me too," Caleb says sternly before turning to the children. "You three, go over there or anywhere that's not here. Five will talk to you later."

'I don't know if I am allowed to tell you just yet-'

"Nuh-uh," He grabs my wrists to keep me from signing. "Penelope, Willis, Milo, go over there."

"But-" Willis starts, but the redhead is quick to stop him.

"Obey your elders. Go. You can come back in a few minutes."

The three do as told, walking around one of the little tents with the two boys grumbling about how Caleb is only a few years older than them. As soon as they are out of sight Caleb turns his eyes to me, and I sigh.

'I was listening to New Canton's com link through the headset Lem gave me. He was a New Canton runner. He was bit so he gave me his headset to not waste tech, and because I had tried to save his life.'

"I remember you telling me a bit about that," He nods, waving his hand to prompt me to continue.

'I heard over the transmissions that New Canton is planning on raiding the Township.'

He breathes in deeply, nostrils flaring and eyes widening in surprise. "When?"

'Next month.'

"Janine should have something thought up by then, although I guess it would be good to keep that quiet for a while to not cause panic," He murmurs, but then his eyes study over my face, shifting every few seconds. "There's something else."

I nod slowly, my breathing just now becoming regulated. 'I can't tell you though. It's progress on something else that we were working on.'

He presses his lips together firmly in annoyance, but doesn't push for it. Instead he takes my hand into his own."Fine, don't tell me about one of your super secret missions, but be careful when you go to look into it, okay? Please."

I nod, just ready to pull my hand away to reply when the noise of someone clearing their throat stops me from doing so. The two of us both turn towards the sound to find Sam standing nearby wearing an expressionless face.

"Sorry to interrupt, but Five, you're needed," He says, not sounding all that sorry. In fact, he doesn't sound sorry at all.

"What for?" Caleb asks.

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