Chapter 3: Distractions

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I sigh through my nose as I re-read a verse in my Bible... for the eighth time. Scowling I close the book and rub my eyes, frustration and disappointment a clear feature.

Three days... I've been here three days and I already can't stand this town. And it's not even how pitiful it is or how I've gone on one supply mission since my arrival-well, that last one might have something to do with it-but the most annoying thing about this place are the people, and how nice they are.

Especially to me.

I know it will wear off soon, but people constantly asking how I am and all that is getting a little irritating. Their concern about my condition and how I'm handling myself after the crash is almost unsettling. I can tell some of them are only trying to hear more of the action, using my young age as an excuse for their questions. But some of them...a lot them... most of them are actually, genuinely concerned. And besides a few hands interpreting to 'I'm fine' and 'thanks for asking' I'm not sure what more to say.

Maybe because I'm not used to it anymore. At Mullin's they'd only give you a day off if it was something like a broken bone, and at the AMTB you were lucky if you got that. It's not normal to me anymore...

I've never been good with people. At church I had some close friends, but I was considered the awkward friend, and it's not that I don't like nice people, but how do you handle it? I'm used to being alone. To me, people who care-really care-are foreign, weird even.

Man, that sounds awful, I think back to my old church friends, when we always had something to smile about. I guess there's still something to smile about-being alive's a good one-but I wonder what it'd be like to feel the happiness I felt three years ago before all this crap began.

Suddenly I hear Sam's voice over my headset, reminding me I still had it on. I wore it constantly, just a habit from wearing headphones when I was younger.

"Raise the gates," He says, and I hear that annoying sound meaning the gates are being raised as he asked. Then I hear a weird CLUNK sound, and I blink at the change in routine.

That's new....

"Agh, that's not suppsed to happen," Sam says with a distressed voice.

Oh, dear...

"The gates are stuck. Can everyone see the gates are stuck? Have we got an engineer?"

Static crackles through my headset before Runner Seven's voice rings in my ears. "Runners, we have an emergency. The gates have gotten stuck in open position, and we're open to all attacks."

I can hear guns being fired, and an uneasy feeling settles in my stomach as bullets are continuing to be fired.

"The following runners are to report to the main gate immediately for run and distract, Runner Two, Runner Three, Runner Five, Runner Eight. Go, Go, Go."

I'm already up and ready before he finishes the sentence. The second my name is called I'm ready. It's one thing the AMTB taught me: If you're called, get up and listen to the rest as you go. Time is a very crucial thing and it cannot under any circumstances be wasted.

"Um, Runner Five," Sam says what sounds to me a bit nervously, "We need you ready to go right now, Runner Five. We're pairing with you up with Runner Eight here."

Suddenly there's someone coughing beside me, and I jump. My muscles are still tense as I look at the person standing beside me.

What is this lady, a ninja?

"Sorry about that," She says after her coughing fit. "Hey, there. I'm Runner Eight-Sarah Smith. How ya doin'? Ready to go out and misdirect some zombies?"

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