Chapter 4: Meeting The Fans

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A/N: It's uh... been a while since I've written a chapter here... heh... really it's been a while since I've written anything here. There's been a lot of changes this past year but I've decided to write again, but this time for me. So yeah... I'm not going to be too sappy or anything but I just wanted to get that out. Here's the chapter.

After getting checked out by Dr. Meyers and getting the all clear, I make my way though the town and towards the showers. On my way there I receive a few waves and appreciative smiles from some of the townspeople, as well as some kind pats on the back from fellow runners. I do my best to smile back and seem polite, but I'm sure everyone can tell my smile is forced.

It's not that I don't appreciate their gratitude-I do! I actually find it flattering, although a bit unnecessary since this is my job. But I'm not sure how to respond to this. I'm so used to being isolated. Interacting with others outside a mission-even just small gestures-is odd to me.

It's mostly my fault, since there were people at Mullins and the AMTB that tried to get close to me, but I didn't let them. I found after.... what happened before, it would be best if I kept to myself to avoid the risk of being betrayed again.

I've almost made it to the showers, and I sigh with relief. Being a runner has its perks, seeing as after a run we get a shower with hot water. Most of the township residents have to take cold showers except for the few times a month Rajit-the person in charge of the showers-feels like being a nice person.

In this moment I just want to wash away the dirt, sweat, and grime that's made it's way into my pores during my run; I don't get that chance just yet because someone grabs my hand to keep me in place.


I jerk my hand away in reflex, spinning around in panic. I hadn't heard anyone come up behind me and I was lucky I didn't embarrass myself by jumping three feet in the air...

I'm lucky I couldn't embarrass myself by screaming like a little girl...

I look down to see two boys watching me with wide eyes. I am just barely taller than them, seeing as to I'm only 5'3, but judging by their faces puberty hasn't hit these two yet so most likely neither has their growth spurts.

Lucky them.

I look at the two boys curiously. One has brown eyes and brown hair that flicks up slightly at the tip, which is honestly kinda cute, but seeing as how I'm tired and gross (and smell like a guy who hasn't put on deodorant in a week) I don't really think aww like I might've any other time. The other boy has a matching pair of brown eyes, but his hair is jet black and doesn't flick up as much. They look similar to each other, but that might be because they're both wearing the same awestruck look.

'Um, can I help you two?' I sign slowly, with a raised brow.

The brown haired one's eyebrows furrowed in confusion for a split second, but it is gone soon after.

"You're the runner that was in the helicopter crash," He states, and I nod in confirmation.

"That's so cool," the other boy replies in awe, and I feel a small smile-a genuine one-tug on my lips.

"We wanted to talk to you after you arrived, but everyone kept telling us to give you space," The brunet comments with a shrug. "I'm Milo Scotts, by the way, and this is my brother Willis." He jabs a finger at the raven haired boy and then behind him. "We have a sister too, but she's kinda shy."

I crane my head to see a young girl-much younger than the two boys-hiding behind a tent. The dark haired girl makes eye contact for a brief moment before retreating back, hiding herself behind the tent.

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