Chapter 8: Paul Revere

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"How did we do today, Five?" Milo asks hopefully, and I give him a thumbs up in reply.

This is the third lesson in sign language I've given him, his brother, and his sister so far. They're the only constants that seem to want to learn. While there are a few other runners who come-a kind, younger woman named Jody and a somewhat flirtatious man named Simon, for example-none have came all three times or have the excitement to learn like Milo and Willis do. Penelope seems interested but her shy nature makes it harder than it already is to talk to her.

"Will you be able teach us tomorrow?" The brunet questions, but before I can reply a voice comes over one of the loud speakers.

"Runner Five? Runner Five, report to the main gates immediately, Runner Five. It's an emergency.

That's definitely not Sam's voice.

But still I grab my headset from off the wooden bench-I've learned to keep it on me at all times-and hastily put it on as I make my way to the front gates. I hear the same female voice grumbling and complaining through the headset.

"Where is the switch that makes the-"

The loud noise of the gates beginning to raise cuts her off, although this time without its rather loud beeping. It almost seems abnormal not to hear that...

"Ah, excellent," The woman states. "Runner Five, you're the only person available and we rather desperately need you to..." Her professional tone of voice trails off as I hear multiple papers shuffling. "Ugh, why does Mr. Yao keep this place in such a Godawful state?"

I smile a bit at that.

"It's not as if we have infinite resources for him to-" Her rant is cut short as she makes a noise of disgust.

"What the hell do you think you're doing in my coms station, Janine?" Sam asks, sounding more than a bit agitated.

"Never mind about that. What is this brown sticky goop covering the desk under your keyboard?" The woman known as Janine (didn't Willis mention her a few days ago?) takes in a shaky breath. "Please don't tell me it's-"

"It's marmite, Janine. Plain, simple, ordinary, delicious... marmite."

I hear a feminine grunt of annoyance. "But why have you-"

"The jar broke. I may have been demonstrating how to use it to crush a zombie skull."

I roll my eyes as a silence follows his words.

"Now... get out of my chair." He sighs in frustration, "and away from my mic. You know we had a deal: we don't interfere with your private quarters, and you don't-"

"It's an emergency." Her words are clipped and precise, somewhat like Evan's. It's a voice I'm used to, but hearing it semi-arguing with a pissed off Sam is something entirely new.

"Such an emergency you couldn't come and find me?"

"We've had word on Roufflenet that about seventy zooms are headed for Brunswick," She explains, "but their communications are down; We can't raise them. We need to send a runner to get there ahead of the horde and warn them of what's coming."

"And you choose Runner Five to do that? You do realize she can't speak, right?" There's a slight hesitation in his words, but that doesn't stop the sting.

"She's the only runner available. It's either her or no one. We'll figure something out."

"Y-yeah, you're right," Sam stumbles. "Runner Five, go."

Finally. I think to myself, taking off through the gates. I listen to the murmurs that come from my headset. I can't make out the words, which I'm sure is what the two are aiming for, but I can hear the edge in both their voices. Probably over the fact that I can't speak to actually warn them.

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