Chapter 44: Jeffro Complex

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"They're everywhere," Ephraim mutters, mostly to himself. "New Canton soldiers to the east, south, south-west, and west. What are you planning, you crawling cockroaches? What the hell are you planning?"

A shiver runs down my spine the more we run. The heavy weight on my chest seems to drag me down more and more the farther we go. My fingers itch to reach up and turn my headset back on, even though I know we need to be radio silent. I want coms back. I want Sam back. I try to tell myself I'm only feeling this anxiously because of my dream but I still can't find any peace on the mat-

My brows furrow together at the sound that graces my ears. I've heard this before. The sound of organ music and bells mixed with auto tune-that's what it sounds like. I remember... it was with us when Van Ark got bit, and when me and Sarah were on that scouting mission.

'Do you hear that?' I ask Maxine, knowing she is most likely the only person who can understand and answer me. But her eyes are elsewhere; They're downcast and her forehead is wrinkled with worry.

"Maybe Sam's right," She says. "This has the feeling of something..."

"Something big," Sarah finishes, "which makes me want to know what it is."

I want to input my own thoughts maybe to convince the doctor to head back, but as soon as Eight finishes speaking another wave of that music sounds out. It's subtle, soft, and I'm sure if Sam was talking in my ear I'd miss it, and no once else seems to notice it besides me.

The sound isn't a bad one, but neither is it something I enjoy listening to either. It's somewhere wedged in the middle. It doesn't make me happy or sad, but I do feel a bit uncomfortable at hearing it, sort of like when your friend tries to get you to listen to his mixtape or something.

"How far are we from Jeffro?" Maxine asks.

"About half as far away as we've already come," She answers, bringing her hand up to wipe away the sweat forming on her brow. Sarah suddenly gives the dark skinned woman a serious face. It's not exactly a glare but it could scare you like it was one. "Doc, I have one duty: protect Abel. That means find out what's threatening it and keep its doctor safe.

"If you want to turn back, Five and I will come with you. We'll send someone else out here."

I nod in agreement, silently begging her to make the choice to turn back as those music notes-those tones-sound out again, and then another sound follows it. A familiar, annoying sound.

"And if they're too late?" Maxine questions, a loud snarl nearly drowning out her words. She turns her head and sneers at the six zombies that are now tailing behind us. They're still a good ways away but they definitely see us. "Do they ever let up?"


"See them?"

Sarah nods. "South-cutting off our direct route home." She shrugs and gives the two of us a half smile. "Guess that answers that question. No way on but forward."

"Are you armed, Doc?" Ephraim asks, and I furrow my brows. Didn't we already tell him that? "Runner Five armed?"

"No," Maxine replies, quickly shaking her head, "we um-I don't travel armed, not with guns anyway. Never have. I wear my Red Cross badge on my sleeve. I don't want into any fights-not with the living."

His eyes turn to me and I casually point to the axe strapped to my backpack, not bothering to sign it out for him. He nods in acknowledgment.

"I have weapons. Me and Patty picked 'em up when a military transport got eaten by the stadium," He explains, and I shudder at how casually he can say that. Not even a twitch or a flinch. He's completely calm. "Got 'em hidden in the cellar of a house not too far from here. Want a gun or two?"

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