Chapter Three

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This is a short chapter and I'm sorry for that, but I had to leave it where it is :D


Bam looked down at his new art and smiled. His girl was talented. Although he originally hadn't wanted a new tattoo, he was glad he had gotten one. This was like having a small part of her.

"You like it?" her voice knocked him out of his thoughts.

He cleared his throat and looked up at her. "Yeah, I do," he replied with a twitch of his mouth.

"And here I was, thinking you were a wimp," she laughed, standing up from her chair and stretching out.

He stood up as well. "I'm anything but a wimp."

"Hmm...I think I might have to take it back. If I recall, I did feel you twitch a couple of times and see you cringe."

"Well can you blame me? Tattoos hurt!"

She chuckled to herself. "Try having the ones that I have."

His eyes drifted to her chest and she cleared her throat. His eyes darted up to hers and he turned multiple shades of red. He tried to make himself stop blushing. He never blushed! But he couldn't. This woman changed the way he was and he couldn't decide whether or not he liked that.

"I bet those hurt for sure," he agreed and then there was a silence between the two of them. "Um...anyways..."

"I think your brothers are done so you can go on out. You guys are all paid."

"Actually, I wanted to ask you something."


"I was wondering if maybe you'd want to go on a date with me?"

She bit her lip. "I don't know, I'm pretty busy. As you know, I have two jobs."

"Do have any days off coming up?" he asked, hopeful.

"Not really..."

His eyebrows furrowed and a frown graced his face. "Just never mind then."

He stomped out of the room, making her laugh. She had to admit, this mysterious guy was quite attractive. She just wasn't an easy catch. She loved to play hard to get.

"Hey!" she called after him.

He stopped but didn't turn around to face her.

"How about you stop by the bar tonight at closing time? I'll be working."

"What time?" he asked, still not looking at her.

"One AM."

He whirled around and looked at her like she was crazy.

"Girl, I have work in the morning!" he exclaimed.

"Then it looks like you're shit out of luck," she said and turned to walk away.

His mouth dropped open. He hadn't expected her to use language like that. She was a force to be reckoned with, that was for sure.

"Wait!" he yelled after her. "I'll be there."

"Yeah you will," she smirked to herself and continued to walk off.

Bam watched her disappear into the back room and smiled to himself. He walked out to the front room to see his brothers chatting with the male at the desk. They turned to face him when he entered the room. They didn't say a word, but when they saw his face, Matt smirked.

"Why are you looking so happy, Bammy?" Matt teased.

His smile disappeared. "None of your business."

"You can't just leave us hanging Bam!" Gabe exclaimed. "What happened back there?"

"I got a tattoo," he stated. "We're in a tattoo parlor, what did you expect?"

They all grinned and Noah rolled his eyes.

"Let's go. I'd like to get home," Noah said.

The brothers followed him out the door, thanking the male at the desk as they left. They made their way back to the small apartment where the rest of the family was already relaxing. Matt immediately went to Lorelei, rubbing her swollen belly. She was now four months along. Gabe sat down with Belle, holding her close to him. Bam just sat watching them. He was hoping his little date with Adelaide would go well tonight. He wanted what they had. It was going to be a challenge. He didn't even know if she could handle being out in the bush when they went back home. He needed to get to know her better before he got in too deep. However, it was already too late. He was falling for this mystery girl he had met only days before.


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