Chapter Six

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A little Bammy smile <3


"Everybody out! We're closed!" Adelaide yelled.

Bam frowned. He didn't want to leave. Was she going to make him leave?

"No, stay," she told him.

Bam smirked. He knew he was in trouble, but he stayed to help her anyways.

Within ten minutes they had managed to herd everybody out of the bar. Adelaide shut the front door and whirled around to glare at Bam.

"That was a pretty awesome hit you delivered to that guy," Bam complimented, trying to distract her.

She put her hands on her hips and sent him a glare that made him shut his mouth. He didn't know what was going to come spewing out of her mouth, but he was looking forward to seeing her spitfire attitude.

"Just what did you think you were doing?" she asked him.

"Defending you," he stated the obvious.

"I don't need defending," she told him.

"You couldn't get out of his grip! You definitely needed help."

"I was fine."

"So you say."

"You know what? I don't need a man to protect me. I can take care of myself," she said.

"Alright, so next time I'll just leave you alone. How does that sound?" he asked.

"That sounds fine."



They continued to glare at one another until unexpectedly, Adelaide grabbed him by the front of the shirt and pulled his lips down to hers. It took him a moment to get over the initial shock, but once he did, he accepted the kiss. He wrapped his arms around the woman and pulled her into his body, moving his lips passionately against hers.

Adelaide was the first to pull away and just stared up at Bam. He gave her a small smile and winked at her, making her roll her eyes. She had no idea why she had kissed him like that, but it had been wonderful and she didn't regret it for a moment.

"Tomorrow. 7 o'clock. Be here," she said and then pushed him towards the door. She reached up and kissed him once more on the lips before saying. "Now get out."

She shoved him out the door and he heard it lock behind him. He stood there stunned. She had not just shut the door in his face after kissing him like that. This girl was unbelievable.

He put his hands in his pockets and walked back to the apartment with a smile on his face. He entered the apartment and was automatically greeted by his mother.

"There you are, Bammy!" she exclaimed. "We were wondering when you were going to get home from work."

"Sorry ma," he apologized, kissing her on the cheek.

"Did they keep you late today?" she wondered.

"No, actually. I was hanging out with some friends after work. Sorry I didn't tell you all. I didn't mean to worry you."

"That's nice honey. What are their names?"

"HER name is Adelaide," Bear spoke up from across the room.

Ami stopped preparing the food and turned to face her second eldest son.

"This friend is...female?" she questioned, a familiar twinkle in her eye. Bam groaned.

"Yeah, she's an awesome tattooed woman," Bear continued.

"Bear, she isn't asking you the questions," Billy reprimanded. "Let your brother answer."

"Yes Ma, her name is Adelaide. And before you get ahead of yourself, I haven't had a proper date with her yet and I don't know her very well. We are going out tomorrow night," he informed his mother.

She squealed and wrapped Bam up in her arms. He laughed and hugged him mom back.

"I can't make any promises," he whispered in her ear.

"I don't have any doubts in you, son," she whispered back, pulling away and getting back to work.

Bam took a seat at the small couch in the 'living area' and shucked himself of his boots.

"OH GOD BAM! YOUR FEET SMELL!" Belle complained, waving her hand in front of her face.

He chuckled and lifted his foot in her direction. She fake gagged and struggled to get away from him.

"Seriously dude, I could probably smell those from a mile away," Bear commented.

"Shut it before I shove my socks in your mouth. Then you'll really be smelling it," he threatened his younger brother.

Bear rolled his eyes and brushed his hair out of his face. His older brother was all talk and no action.

Bam continued to make himself comfortable but stopped when Lorelei plopped down next to him. She had a big shit eating grin on her face.

"What do you want?" he asked, knowing that look from anywhere.

"Don't give me that," she cooed, pinching his cheeks.

"Girl!" he warned, slapping her hands down.

Rainy and Birdy laughed. Besides them, Lorelei was the only one he tolerated this kind of behavior from. She was like a sister anyways.

"'s it going with Adelaide?" Lorelei asked, leaning in closer to him, trying to coax it out of him.

He rolled his eyes. He should've known she was going to ask him questions about this. Ever since she had hooked Gabe and Belle up, she was trying to play matchmaker, especially with him.

When he didn't reply, Lorelei poked his cheek. With no response again, she went to poke him again but he turned his head and bit her finger. She gasped and pulled her hand into her chest, pouting.

"Matt, your brother bit me!" she whined.

"You did it to yourself," Matt said. "I'm not getting involved."

She glared at him and then turned back to Bam. She flicked him on the nose, making him glare. Her eyes grew wide. She needed to stop before she regretted bugging him.

"I'll just leave you alone now..." she trailed off, going back to her original spot.

Bam grinned to himself. Even with the crazy family antics, nothing could put him in a bad mood. He had a date tomorrow with his girl and as usual, he didn't know what to expect. That's what would keep him going tomorrow at work.


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