Chapter Five

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Birdy, Bam and Rainy <3 I love how he treats his sisters so sweetly!


Addie awoke to her alarm clock at 7 AM the next morning. She groaned, not wanting to get up. Four hours of sleep wasn't very much and it was catching up with her after doing it week after week. But it had to be done so she could live day to day.

She jumped into the shower and washed herself, thinking about the previous night's events. A smile came to her face as she thought of Joshua. He sure was different, but he was a good kind of different. It was refreshing. Yeah sure, she was playing hard to get but it would only be a matter of time until he reeled her in. He was sweet.

She hopped out and got ready for the day, making sure to look presentable. Once again she would be working at the tattoo shop in the morning and at the bar that night. But then she had a full day off. Finally.

With thoughts of seeing Joshua again, she headed off to work with high hopes of seeing him again.

Bam hated having to get up for work in the morning. He preferred to work on his own schedule and not have a set agenda. But living in the city and renting an apartment required money. All the men had gotten jobs to support the family.

As much as he hated his job, he found himself not minding it so much with thoughts of Adelaide on his mind. That girl was a spitfire and he loved it. She gave him a run for his money and usually that bothered him, but for some reason she didn't bother him. She intrigued him.

Although he had just seen her last night, he couldn't wait to see her again. He was going to have to stop by the bar tonight and surprise her. Maybe he'd pick her up some flowers or chocolates. Would she even like that? For all he knew, she'd throw them away the moment he handed them to her. They'd only known each other for two days. Was it too soon to do stuff like that?

He groaned and tried to focus on his work. Women were too complicated. No wonder why he had stayed away from them for so long. But if his older brother Matt could get a girl, so could he. He would prove it to his brothers.

Work drug on but finally he was out for the day. He contemplated going home and cleaning up, but that would take too long and he couldn't wait to see Adelaide again. He practically skipped down the road and rushed into the bar.

Adelaide turned to the door when she heard the bell above the door ring. She instantly smiled when she saw it was Bam.

"Josh!" she exclaimed and then cleared her throat. She didn't want to sound too happy to see him. That'd just get weird. "Uh...the usual?" she asked calmly.

"Yeah, that sounds good," he said, sitting down on a bar stool.

She filled up a cup and handed it to him.

"And how are you today Adelaide?" he asked.

She put her hands on her hips. "I told you to call me Addie."

"Girl, if you get to call me by my full name, I get to call you by yours."

She narrowed her eyes at him and he just chuckled. He loved seeing her get riled up like this. It's funny how something as simple as using her full name could set her off like this.

"Well played...BOY," she mocked his use of the word 'girl'.

"You best watch it, girl," he joked around.

"What're you going to do about it...BOY."

He laughed and rolled his eyes at her, taking a sip of his drink.

"Hey, bartender, why don't you stop flirting with the homeless guy and get me another drink?" a male from across the bar yelled.

Bam's head whirled around to look at the man and his anger instantly hit him. Who was this guy and what gave him the right to insult him like that?

"I'll be right back," Adelaide said, turning to walk off.

"No," he growled, grabbing her arm. "You don't have to put up with that."

She shrugged his hand off. "It's my job. I'm used to it," she told him, going to give the man his drink.

"That's right, honey. Come on over here," the man smirked, looking at Bam. He licked his lips and Bam felt the vein in his forehead begin to pulse.

"There you are," Adelaide said, handing the drink to the man.

The man grabbed her hand as she put the drink in front of him. Bam stood up from his bar stool, anger coursing through him.

"Get your hands off of her," he snarled.

The man looked up at him, his hand gripping Adelaide harder. She was struggling against his grip. She was used to dealing with men like this but this man was extra strong.

"And what're you going to do about it?" the man asked.

Bam rushed over and got in the man's face.

"If you don't get your hands off of her, you're going to find out," he hissed.

At that moment, Adelaide freed her hand from the man's grip and whipped it around to slap him across the face. He tumbled backwards and looked up at the girl. He lunged at her, but didn't have the chance to get to her. Bam punched him and he fell to the ground, passed out.

"Everybody out! We're closed!" Adelaide yelled.

Bam frowned. He didn't want to leave. Was she going to make him leave?

"No, stay," she told him.

~COPYRIGHT 2016~ Bam in trouble?

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