Chapter Four

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Bam with shorter hair than he has now. I personally like him with this length of hair.


By the time one AM rolled around, the Brown family had been asleep for hours. Bam however was wide awake and ready to go on his date. He hadn't told his family he had planned on meeting up with Adelaide this late at night. He figured he didn't have to. After all, he was 31 years old and could make his own decisions.

Slipping on some boots and a jacket, he snuck out of the apartment and made his way to the bar. All the outside lights were off and the doors were locked. He had nothing other to do than knock and wait for someone to open the door.

"I didn't think you were coming," Adelaide said when she opened the door. "It's nearly 1:20."

"Sorry," he apologized.

She clicked her tongue at him. "Not a very good way to impress me," she said, letting him in.

He followed her in and took a seat on a bar stool while she took her spot behind the bar. He watched as she poured some pop into a cup and slid it in front of him.

He smiled. "You remembered," he said.

"Your family is about the only one that comes in here and just orders soda. How could I forget?" she teased.

"The Browns don't drink," he defended.

"Yeah, well I do."

She grabbed a large bottle of amber colored liquid and poured it into a glass before picking it up and slamming it down.

"What was that?" he asked.

"Whiskey," she smirked, washing her glass and putting it away.

He didn't know what to say. This girl was a spitfire.

"So what're you doing in California? It's clear you guys aren't from around here," she changed the subject.

"No, we're actually from Alaska."

"Ha! I knew you were a mountain man the moment I looked at you!"

"I'm not a mountain man," he explained. "I'm a Bush man."

"A Bush man?" she questioned, raising her eyebrows.

"Yeah, we live away from the community. The only way to get into town is to take our boat. We don't have real electricity or real running water, though my brothers have helped to make that happen."

She stared at him with a look of disbelief on her face. He sighed. He had to tell her about where he lived sooner than he had thought. He was hoping to get to know her a little better first and warm her up to the idea.

"So...what led you guys to leaving Alaska?"

He thought it was best not to tell her about his father. He didn't know her enough yet to reveal that family secret. His father was somewhat embarrassed about it. So he thought of another reason.

"Our home got destroyed by bears while we were away and there was no way we could live there," he said. "And the lower 48 was the best idea."

She nodded her head as she listened. This guy was interesting, that was for sure. Who knew she could meet a guy like him here in California.

"Enough about me. What about you?" he wondered.

She started to clean up more and he helped her as she told him about herself. She was originally from Seattle, but left Washington when things went south with her family. He was sad to find out that she wasn't very close with her family. It was almost unknown for him. She had always wanted to be a tattoo artist and had started off as a receptionist at one place. Throughout that time, she spent time practicing and got her license to be a tattoo artist. When that job wasn't enough to keep her going, she got another job at the bar and found out that she loved it. She loved meeting new people and getting to know different people.

"And that's why you're so intriguing to me," she ended.

He smirked. "You find me intriguing?" he questioned.

"Yeah, you're different. It's nice to have a new face around here," she smiled.

"You're quite intriguing to me as well," he said.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah. You're a match, that's for sure. I don't think I've ever met a girl that's this close to my personality."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. We are NOTHING alike."

He smirked. "We're more alike than you think we are, sweetheart."

She rolled her eyes and turned around to finish up the rest of the work. The place was ready to officially lock up for the night. That meant that Bam's time with Adelaide was over.

"Well, it looks like I'm all done here," she said. "Follow me out?"

He nodded and followed her out the front door. She locked the door and they stood on the sidewalk staring at one another.

"It was nice getting to know you tonight, Adelaide," he broke the silence.

"Just call me Addie," she insisted. "And it was nice getting to know you too. Surprisingly, it was fun."


She laughed. "I didn't know what to expect to be honest. But it turned out to be pretty awesome."

He grinned. "Awesome for sure."

She yawned. "Anyways, it's almost three AM. I need to get home. I'm exhausted," she said.

He leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek, shocking them both. He didn't know where he had gotten the courage to do that and she was shocked he had done it.

"Will I see you again?" he asked her.

"I hope," she said. "Goodnight..." she paused. "Wait...I never even got your name! How bad is that?"

She burst out laughing, making him laugh. Her laugh was absolutely magical.

"My name's Bam," he told her.

"Bam? As in Bam Bam from the Flintstones?" she asked with a giggle.

He chuckled. "Yeah, my first name is Joshua but my middle name is Bam Bam. My family calls me Bam."

"How about Josh? Can I call you that?"

"You can call me whatever you want."

"Josh it is. Goodnight, Josh."

She leaned forward and pecked his cheek lightly before walking off, a smile on her face. Bam found himself smiling as he headed back to the apartment. He snuck back in and fell asleep for the few hours he had. Back to work tomorrow.


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