Chapter Eight

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As you all know, I'm not a Bam girl but this picture does bring a smile to my face <3


Bam woke up the next morning to sun streaming into his eyes. He turned over and saw Adelaide asleep beside him. The sun on her face made her skin sparkle and her true beauty was showing. With a smile on his face, he lifted his hand up and brushed it over her shoulder.

"Mmm," she moaned, rousing from sleep.

Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled at the man next to her.

"Well hello there handsome," she grinned.

"Hello to you, beautiful," he replied.

"Last night was fun," she giggled with a wink.

He chuckled. "It definitely was."

"What time is it?" she yawned.

He rolled over to look at the clock and his eyes bulged when he saw what time it was. 9:30. He was late for work!

He sat up in bed. "I'm late for work!" he told her.

He sat on the side of the bed and started to pull on his pants.

She sat up, wrapping the sheet around her chest and pressed herself against his back. She kissed his back, making him stiffen.

"Would you quit that, girl?" he asked, trying to concentrate on getting dressed.

"What's a few more minutes?" she questioned, kissing up his back and then his neck.

"You're going to get me fired," he groaned.

"If today's the day you're getting fired, you might as well enjoy it," she breathed in his ear.

He turned around and pressed his lips to hers, giving in. He fell back to the bed with her, forgetting all about work.

Half an hour later, he was kissing Adelaide goodbye and heading out the door to work. His boss was not happy with the fact that he was late, but let it go as it was only his first offense.

He spent the day thinking about the night he had spent with Adelaide. It had been hot. It had been passionate. And he didn't regret a minute of it. He'd never had this much of a connection with a woman before. She had him by the balls and she didn't even know it.

Addie couldn't be happier this morning. She had had a wonderful night with Bam and an even better morning. He was absolutely perfect and she found herself falling for him every day. Sure, she'd messed around with guys before but never had she had feelings for any of them. Bam however had captured her heart. And she was terrified. Could he really be as perfect as he came off as? There had to be something wrong with him. Everybody had baggage. What was his?

She sighed, pushing the bad thoughts out of her head. She was going to enjoy the time she spent with him and see where it went. They hadn't really gone on an official date, but they had spent plenty of time together. Did that mean they were going to date? Did she even want to date?

"UGH!" she groaned, frustrated. She didn't know what she wanted to do. Time would tell.

She headed to the tattoo shop after getting ready for the day. Sal looked her way as she entered the shop.

"Showing up fashionably late, huh?" he teased.

"Hey, I don't have any appointments this morning. I took some time for myself," she told him.

"Or you took some time to hang out with that guy who came in here the other day."

"What guy?" she asked, acting like she knew nothing.

"Don't play stupid. I noticed the way he looked at you the other day and the way you looked at him. And I've noticed your change in attitude lately too. You've been smiling more," he said.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," she denied.

"Yeah, okay. Deny it all you want but you're falling for this guy and you're not hiding anything. Now get to work."

She didn't say a word and did as he said, going into her back room to set up for the day. She couldn't believe it was really that obvious. Was she really smiling more? What was this guy doing to her? Did she want him to affect her this much?

I need to slow down, she thought to herself.

Yes, she needed to slow down. She couldn't let this guy worm his way into her heart too soon. She had been hurt one too many times. She would be damned if her heart was broken again.


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