Chapter Twelve

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Bam stood in the airport with a heavy heart. Though his family sat around him talking, it was like they weren't there. His mind was in another place at the moment. He didn't snap out of it until Lorelei and Belle plopped down on either side of him. He looked at them both, but didn't say a word.

"Bammy, we don't like seeing you like this," Lorelei told him.

He glared at her. She knew that he didn't like the nickname Bammy. But she always used it anyways.

"We know you're sad about her, but you need to focus on the things that are happening now. There's a lot going on and things are about to change drastically," Belle spoke.

"You think I don't know that?" he asked.

Lorelei wrapped her arm around his shoulders, showing her support. "I know you'll be okay. You're strong and can make it through anything," she said. "I'm sure she'll be there waiting for you when you get out."

"I highly doubt that," he mumbled.

"And why do you say that?" Belle wondered.

"Because she was angry. She wanted to come back with us to Alaska, but the moment she found out I was in trouble, she wanted nothing to do with me."

"Bam, I'm a woman and I know what she is thinking. She's thinking you betrayed her. You should've told her about it sooner. She has fallen for you and now you're going away. If that was me, I would be upset too," Lorelei said. "I bet that if you came back, she would fall back into your arms immediately."

"I don't know, Ror. She's pretty stubborn," Belle laughed.

"Yeah, stubborn, just like this guy," Lorelei agreed, squeezing Bam. He mustered a small smile.

"Why don't we just focus on getting home and figuring out what we are going to do and then we can worry about her. I know you love her but..."

"Whoa, nobody said anything about love," Bam intervened.

Belle and Lorelei narrowed their eyes at him.

"We're not stupid. You're clearly in love with the girl," Belle pointed out.

He sighed. "I swear you guys know me better than I know myself sometimes."

"That's cause you're one of my best friends Bammy!" Lorelei squealed, hugging him. "I love you!"

"More, Ror," he smiled, giving her a sisterly kiss on the cheek.

"Hey, keep your lips off my woman!" Matt called from his seat across the way.

"Oh shush! He was being polite!" Lorelei said with a sigh. She turned to Bam. "I better get back to my husband before he blows a head gasket or something."

"A head gasket?" Bam asked with a smile. "That's a part of a car, Rory."


She got up and went over to Matt, sitting next to him. He immediately wrapped his arms around her and glared at Bam, who rolled his eyes. Belle patted Bam's shoulder before heading back to her seat next to Gabe.

"Bam..." Rainy started.

He turned towards his youngest sister and smiled at her.

"Yes?" he asked.

"Are you going to do what Lorelei said and come back to find this girl after you're done?"

"I'm going to do what I can, Rainy. Family first."

"But you're in love with her. Love is important too."

"Don't talk about things you're too young to understand," he dismissed her.

"I'm old enough to know you came home every night after her seeing her looking the same way Matt and Gabe did the moment they met their wives!" she exclaimed, hands on hips. "Just admit it Joshua!"

He sighed. "Okay, girl, I love her."

"Then promise me one thing."

"What's that?"

"That after you're done, you'll come back and find her and you'll bring her back to live with us in Alaska."

"I can't promise you that," he said sadly.

"PROMISE IT!" she shouted.

His eyes grew wide. She was being a demanding little thing today. And she never raised her voice. She must be really passionate about this.

"Why are you so concerned about my love life?" he asked his youngest sister.

"Because I like seeing you happy. I want to see you happy. You're my big brother and I love you," she expressed her feelings.

"More, little girl," he said, wrapping his arm around her and pulling him to rest in the crook of his arm. "What would I do without you?"

"Sometimes I ask myself the same question," she giggled.

He ruffled her hair with a laugh. He loved that his family was so supportive through all of these hard times and despite what was happening, they just wanted the best for him.

"Flight 52C to Alaska, boarding now," a male's voice came over the intercom.

"That's us. Let's go guys," Billy called to his family. "Time to go home."

The Browns boarded the plane, ready to go back to where they were meant to be, even if it came with some repercussions.


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