Chapter Fourteen

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Short chapter for you!! <3


Thirty days. Thirty days had finally passed and Bam and Billy were free to go. It was early morning when the prison guards came to get them. They had only a matter of minutes to gather up their things before they were led to the front by the burly men. They were handed their original belongings and allowed to change back into them. Just changing out of those jumpsuits, they felt like new men. It made things official. They were finally free.

When they stepped out of the door out into the front lobby, they were greeted by smiling faces. There the family stood waiting for them. Ami rushed to Billy, wrapping her arms around her husband and crying into his chest. Bam's brothers, sister, Belle and Lorelei all gave him greetings. Rainy was particularly excited to see her older brother. She grabbed his hand and led him outside as the family exited the place.

"Bam, we know you just got back, but we thought it would be smart for you to go back to California and get that girl," Ami explained when they got outside. "We will bring you by the boat dock and you'll be getting a ride back there."

"What? No, I just got out. I want to spend time with my family," Bam said, unbelieving.

"And we want to spend time with you too, but you need to go get that girl before you lose your chance. It's been a month, babe. Don't let it go any longer," Ami instructed.


"No buts, son. You heard your mama," Billy said.

Bam smiled a real smile for the first time in a month. He threw his arms around his mother and nearly cried. He could not have asked for a better family.

"More, ma," he whispered into her ear.

"More my baby boy. Now let's get you to the boat!"

The family hurried into the van they had driven down to the prison and drove off towards the dock. They practically threw Bam and the small suitcase they had packed for him out the window when they got there.

"Go get her, bro!" Matt called after him.

"And don't mess up!" Bear added.

Gabe slapped Bear in the back of the head.

"Ow, what was that for?" he complained.

"For trying to ruin the moment," Gabe responded, watching Bam run towards the boat.

Bam made the boat just in time. Nearly five minutes after he boarded, they were sailing off to California, where he would finally be reunited with his love.

Adelaide was counting down the days to when Joshua would be let out of jail. The eldest Brown brother and his wife had gotten ahold of her and told her what was going on. She insisted to them that she didn't care, but that small heart on that specific date on her calendar said otherwise. She did care. She was happy to know that yesterday he had been freed and could go back to his normal life.

But she was also upset because she wasn't there to live that free life with him. She should be in Alaska with him, not stuck that this bar and at the tattoo shop. Sure, she had enjoyed the jobs for a while. But when she met Joshua, he changed her whole entire perspective on life. She discovered what she really wanted – to be happy and to be in love, no matter what she was doing. And if that meant moving to Alaska, hell, she'd be happy just because she was with him!

"HELLO?" a voice snapped her out of her thoughts.

She turned to the man that was yelling at her. He had an angry look on his face.

"Sorry, how can I help you?" she asked him.

"I'd really like another drink," he said. "After all, I've been asking for the last five minutes."

She sighed. "Sorry about that. Let's get you that drink," she said, going to work to get his drink.

The next couple of hours passed by slowly, but Adelaide worked to pay attention to her job. She knew she wasn't doing a good job by the bad tips she was receiving, but she didn't care. The last month had been hell for her.

"Excuse me, miss, can I get a drink?" a deep familiar voice questioned.

She whipped around, instantly recognizing the voice. Her heart melted and tears came to her eyes.

"Joshua?" she murmured.

"Hiya darlin'," he smiled.


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