Let me go....

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Dedicated to @Ruthjacob6 because I love your name and you are awesome di.

Dedicated to @Ruthjacob6 because I love your name and you are awesome di

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Babe,please just know all these,

I will always love you more,

It's just sad that you don't feel,

The same about me any long.

But I can't see the ring,

You bought for some other girl,

Babe,I will keep the thing,

When you asked me to be your girl.

And now it's time to leave,

To leave you to be just hers.

With no guilt ,no regrets or grieve,

You'll not be mine,all hers.

Babe,please just forget me,

And I hope you forgive me too,

I broke all the promises,so be,

But you did break my heart in two.

You can always just blame me,

For leaving you like this.

I can't bear the tears on rim,

I'd have to leave you be this.

I will never forget you but you should,

I would never have another love,but you do,

You can now be together ,you could,

Build a life , a family  I wished to.

Just let me go, I am bad for your life,

Just let me go,I'll ruin all the smiles.

Just let me go, it'll be hard to see my life,

After your departure with your love in aisles.

Why can't you give me the right to walk away,

You know we'll go our separate ways.

Why can't I have the choice to walk away,

It's always better than my lonely stays.

Just let me go, please ,I beg of you,

Just let me go, don't call,

I'll melt at your woo.

If you cry, you know, I'll never go.

Let me leave,please, you'll go I know,

I'l be alone, I swear you will go.

Let me leave please, when you still want me close,

So,I will always remember the want,all thorough!


Quote:( And I made it into past tense )

"I wish I had frozen that moment right there and right then, and lived in it forever."-Suzanne Colins(Catching Fire)

Written to my love who I wanted to leave because I was no longer his.


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