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Sometimes,things clear the harsh way,

For me it all went clear with a choice,

The difference between love, lust and mistake,

The alter between me and his girls.

The redemption I am looked upon with,

The disgust hid in the eyes that sneer on me.

Just my body,all these pretty things to have,

And me thrown to some dustbin of forgotten place.

Good! Good! .It's all clear now.

Now,for certain,i can't keep any hopes for good,

Not from him or maybe anyone,

Hey, is there anyone willing to take a slut to heart?

Be real, which i was never to any, For once be!

Someone's lust.someone;s mistake,long done,

The choice, he made for all of them .lest me,

I am the lust,no heart should ever feel for.

I'd never be felt for,for sinner I am,left to rot.

But the choice, it marks my punishment.


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