The Final Thong

68 25 20

It didn't take long for life to make it's final whip,

And now I am finding things slipping from my grip,

The blow was hard and I feel my blood drop drip,

My passion was thieved and all those dreams slip.

I can't believe my life tries to snip me off my craftsmanship,

I don't want to fail and join the saga of all those who trip,

Now I am beaten and crushed, not dead, I will live to quip,

All these failures are just hurdles in my race that I will skip.

Nothing can make me hail and admit my slip,

I won't let the defeat dictate me away from my tip,

Never will I accept the collapse and  let my dreams zip,

Fate beware- your lash is not strong to thong me off my battleship.



  "There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure."
Paulo Coelho , The Alchemist.

Written by the small spark that lives inside me, which refuses to be dampened by the mightiest waterfalls.


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