A place of Escape.

49 26 15

Is there really a place?

Where you can forget all of past,

Live for the moment,And quietly let it by,

I don't know of anything quite such,

If only I knew-I wish!

It would be godly,You would worry no more,

Maybe it's oblivion, I am hoping for,

But is it fully?-no!!

It would be too easy then, but I want-

Somewhere where I  have it, but never pass into it.

Somewhere where I do not have memories,

But I never become forgotten.

Maybe it's too much to ask for,

No place on Earth for sure!

To have a will but not in anyone's will,

To be important but all careless,

To be remembered ,Yet remember none,

Just a place of Escape.



  "I mean, they say you die twice. One time when you stop breathing and a second time, a bit later on, when somebody says your name for the last time."  -Banksy

Written in hope to find that heaven.


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