Nothing Like that Kiss!

51 25 16

It was sudden,so  unexpected,

I was shocked still,  yet I smiled,

It was just him,yet I felt connected,

It was so gentle,a peck, not wild.

The flick of a moment,so sudden,

I felt it real only when he touched,

And it was only the beginning of a dozen,

With the thought,I blushed.

It was my first,not his,he knew,

'Follow',he said and there it went,

The feeling was exotic yet so new,

As cliche as this sounds,it was meant,

Those lips were made for me,it fit,

And so I learnt and I was led, I shivered,

Even the hands fit, we were so knit,

He took my tremble in, sweet talks whispered.

My first was a one sided peck,but true,

And my true first,something he gave me,

 One touch: enough to make me leave all blue,

He took all of me,afraid of my flee.

Little did he know,there was no place to rather be,

That feeling of belonging was something never felt,

I thought he would know of the possible we,

But then all he did was tease and then he left.


Is there repetition of ideas. Please let me know ok.Please comment and vote if you liked this poem.

Love you all to bits and pieces


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