Till my heart stops to beat.

43 23 21

I often wonder how long I will hang on,

Like when I will give it up all,

All the pointless fight and efforts to keep it on,

Everyone asks me till when?

Even I don't know to answer for sure,

Till when will I give people chances,

Not all people, just one, who breaks it every time,

He still gets more, how is it fair?

Is anything fair? And if they ask more,

I say just one thing, I do not know of a life beyond him,

So he would be there until and unless my heart stops beating.

The beat is for him, so I'd rather have him,

It's a one man's efforts, still it's worth million tries,

And there is a billion to go, I know it too,

I hope he realizes it at least at my last one, for a moment before I die.



  "Sleep is my lover now, my forgetting, my opiate, my oblivion."  -Audrey Niffeneggar

Written with the realization of the painful truth!


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