Never have I ever...

40 22 16

Destiny, a mere choice I say, but is it?

Maybe it's a choice, but do we always get to choose?

What when others make it for us?

And those are never the course we wanted.

I have never tried to write someone's life,

And still my life's story is something I don't have a say in,

I don't know why I let others decide my happiness,

But then they are the ones I see my smile in.

Alas! If only they knew what they are doing to me, 

And wish to change it, not just know the harm.

Never have I ever has a smile in many years,

And nor will I have it in those to come, unless they choose,

it;s not nice to live at someone's hearth, but what to do,

Their love is the only destiny I need,lest they give....



  "Letting go means to come to the realization that some people are a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny." Steve Maraboli.

Written by a failing hope.



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