Lustful glares!

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I don't remember from where I read this sentence, but this is by far the truest quote I have seen of life.

"Everything in the world is about sex, except sex. Sex is about power."

Don't look at me in lust, it burns,

I don't want to go back and hide in my urns,

It's with so many tries that now I'm here,

It's not ghosts but Men that I fear.

Don't touch me, I am full of burns,

Scars that are left from all the mourns,

It's these glares that earned me these fears,

All the lust to force me into bad affairs.

Don't force me, I won't hesitate to burn,

Now I am done and dead with giving turn,

I am done with getting lust and only lust,

Even  from the guy who saved me from rest.

Don't argue, I won't show my burns,

The ones outside, I don't wanna see lust returns,

Even with all the cuts and slashes your eyes wanders,

It's not me you care about, it's this body of wonders,

Don't shout,  you suffered nowhere close to my burns,

Because you burnt the deepest in your lust and earns,

You  have soothed them all, but only for your pleasure,

What difference between you and molester?

Don't speak,  you don't care of my burns,

I was the fool to believe your lures,

And now I got one more, lust I detest,

No longer shall I submit to one who only loves the breast.



  "I used to gorge on gorgeous women, but now I look for things that can't be seen with the eyes, but are only detected by the heart. This is love."   -Jarod Kintz.

Written by a soul burnt by all the lust in the world.


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