Chapter 4

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Lily POV

Today I could go to school my legs felt a bit better it seems the massage worked.
I got up and again I had to cover my face with concealer. I change into my uniform and went to the kitchen and prepared food again.
I grabbed a piece of a banana and went to school.
As I arrived I notice that most people weren't here.

I walked to class and only saw 5 people there.
"Wonder what happened." I hear a girl in front of me.
The school wasn't so bad, Katherine wasn't here and the teachers took it easy today because they didn't have so many students to teach.
Sadly it seems the library was closed so I had nothing to do, So I just walk all over school and gather my thoughts on what I'm supposed to do after I move out. 

Today we are going to have a meeting about the importance of me finding my mate and me becoming alpha.
As I walk in front of everyone they all cheered and I felt happy to have this amazing family.

"Today we have a pack meeting to talk about my son Adrian and how he would take over the pack after he finds his mate."Announced my father the current Alpha.
The crowd cheered so loud I felt so happy all I was missing was my beautiful mate.
As the meeting ended I went to the pack house and spend time with my family which was the whole pack.
"Yo Adrian come over here"I hear Jake say,"uh ok" I follow him and I was lead to a group of girls."Son these are alpha daughters" says my father.

I look at him weirdly "dad what's this?"
"Adrian I'm getting old and need to retire so I'm trying to help you find your mate," says my father
"Oh ok but I must say this is completely stupid oh and by the way you can all leave I don't need any of you." I tell the group of Alpha's daughters.
"Son are you crazy?" Dad question me
"No, it just that none of them are my mate so I don't need them and I'm glad you want to help but give it a rest gramps I can find her today is just the second day I'll find her eventually," I tell him
"Ok.But you better find her your mother and I want grandchildren before We die and make sure after you there is another alpha on the line"My father says calmly.
"Yea ok," I told him and went to the kitchen to help my mom prepare the food for the pack.

I seriously don't understand why people call me a Bad Boy when I act to nice toward my family.
As I was about to enter the kitchen a random hand stops me by grabbing my shoulder and pulling me closer.
"Hey" I hear Katherine say
I sigh she is annoying I don't know why I even slept with her god what a mistake that was.
"Hey, Katherine what do you want?" I ask a bit annoyed

She didn't even seem to notice "I want you in my bed right now" she whispers in my ear.
What is she absolutely crazy there is no way in hell I would and also she's not my mate.
"Sorry, Katherine no can do." I say as I push her hand off my shoulders and take a step back so we weren't touching. I couldn't have my pack misunderstand and think Katherine is their new Luna.
"Aw, why not baby you know we belong together." She says
"Uh no Katherine hate to break it to you but you are not my mate." I tell her,
Actually no I would love to break it to you.

"What are you talking about babe we both know I'm your mate." She says a bit worried, I don't even know where she got this idea from, sure I slept with her but that doesn't mean she is my mate."Sorry no, you are not now if you excuse me I have to help my mother" I tell her as I turn around to walk into the kitchen.

I saw my mom making brownies. "MOM" I scream at her and surprised her."Don't do that Adrian and now help me you people never get full do you know how much food I have to make every day and now everyone wants my famous fudge brownies," she tells me.
"Ok, mom I'll get more brownies mix so the next batch can be ready for you to just pop it in the oven." I assured her
"Thank you, Adrian, this will help now I need a break I'm going to rest a bit tell me when the first batch of brownies are ready." she tells me tiredly
"Ok mom" I respond, it sad that the Luna has to cook so much for the pack I have to make sure that my mate never has to go through this I will make sure some of the pack members help her.

After the brownies were done I made sure my mom was soundly asleep on her bed. I then put all the brownies in this glass thing that holds all the treats. As everyone ate I went to my room to take a nap.

~~~~~Lily POV~~~~~

As I got home from school I saw that my Dad had company which meant I need to give them beer and snacks. As I did that I saw they were happy with the food and beverage so I left and went to the bathroom to take a 5-minute shower that as long as I have I can't waste too much water.
I then just go to my room and start drawing. I was really into the drawing I drew a beautiful moon a full moon and I'm starting on a mountain. As I look at my drawing it seems random to me to draw this but it didn't matter it was fun to draw it gave me peace.
The day went fast afterward I did not finish my drawing so I decided to finish it tomorrow at school during lunch.

It was getting late so I decided to call it a night and just take a quick shower and then fall asleep.

Thanks for reading

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