Chapter 24

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Adrian POV
I worked up at 7am and started to change quickly.
I had a appointment with Mr.Mitchell.
He was our family doctor, and I needed  to talk to him about lily.

I would like to know if he could help lily with her talking problem.
I've heard her voice, so I know she still has it but now I need his help.
I kissed Lily's  head before I left.
I ran to where my mom was.
They all came back around midnight.

"Mom when lily wakes up be with her ok I'll be with Mr.Mitchell ok."
She nodded"ok honey."

I drove to the pack hospital and as I entered there he was waiting for me.

"You made it in time Adrian now how can I help you?"

Robert Mitchell was an old Doctor his black hair turned white as time passed.
He had his expression wrinkles on his slightly dark face, and his green eyes that shout out experience with the medical field.

"As you know my mate can't talk, but I know she can I've heard her voice before and I would love your help."

He looked at me and nodded
"Ok son let's go into my office."

As we entered his office he offered me a seat and I of course took it.
"So you say your mate can speak then,that would be a lot better for the pack."
I nodded "yea so you think you can help?"
"Of course I can son just bring her next time so I could inspect her."
I nodded "thanks a lot I'll be here tomorrow with her."
"Ok Adrian have a great day"he says with his huge smile.
I smiled back"you too."
~Lily POV~
I waited for Adrian to come back.
In the meantime I was reading.
I found out that Mrs.Black loves to read as much as I do so she has a room full of books.

"Lily I'm sorry to bother you but can you help me out with the cookies?"asked Ms.Black.
Right away I put down the book and nodded at her with a smile.
"Thanks honey"

We walked up to the kitchen and it was a mess.
Batter was everywhere.
"I don't even want to explain what happened here"she sighed.
I nodded as I frowned at the mess and began to clean.

"Oh no honey you're not cleaning you're helping me bake."
"The boys can clean this they haven't been doing nothing lately."
I nodded and started on a new mix. She talked as I made the mix.
Right when we were deciding on what the cookie should be as in chocolate chips,oatmeal Jake walked in the kitchen.
"Whoa what happened here."He says with wide eyes looking at the mess.
"Oh great your here clean up this mess while lily and I make cookies for the pack."
"Pack?what are you talking about Mrs.Black?"he said worriedly.
I then realized Jake didn't know I don't think no one knows except Adrain Parents.
"Oh Honey it's fine Adrian finally man up, and told her the truth."
Right away Jake face turned happy.
He grabbed me and hug me.
"Congrats lily I know you would be a great Luna."
At his compliment I blushed.

He put me down and I started rolling up cookie batter and placing it into the oven tray while Mrs.Black did the other one.
"Well I'm gonna get started."Said Jake as he began to mop the floor and clean the batter on the wall.

After an 20minutes the room was clean and all the new cookies were ready to be placed in.

"Thanks for helping me."I smiled at her and Jake bowed down at her "no problem".

Then Adrian came in "hmm cookies."He said. He saw me he began to hug me and put his face in my hair.
"Lily we are going somewhere tomorrow ok, and it's very important and we can not miss it ok.
I nodded.

After a while Adrian and I just stayed in the kitchen helping his mom with the food.
Jake left saying that he needs to work on Miles car with him.
"Oh yea I forgot about that call me if you need any help ok man."Adrian said as Jake nodded"sure no thing."

The cookies were done and I took them out.
Whoa they smelled so good,even my stomach began rumbling.
"Haha are you hungry come on let's get you a plate of cookies and milk."Adrain then grabbed a plate and put a couples of the cookies on it and grabbed three glasses and pour milk in it.

"Mom you need a break too come on let's eat enjoy when we still can ya know."
His mom gave him a small smile but agreed.
"Woo"she sighed,"I haven't sat down all day."
She grabbed her glass of milk and a giant cookie and began eating.
I did the same and just enjoyed their talking.

When we finished I put the plate in the dishwater and the three cups.
Adrian then put his arms around me and hugged me from behind.
After a while of us just standing there I realized he wasn't going to let go so I tried prying off his fingers off me.

Sure we might be soul mates, and all of that but it doesn't mean I'm going to be all lovey-dovey with him right away.

"What's wrong?"
Nothing I shouldn't have done anything.
I just walked away and went back to his room.

"No lily I'm worried about you,I want to help you Lily."He said with a worried expression.

Wow now I feel terrible.
I turned around and hugged him I couldn't stand seeing him with a sad face.
I looked at him and stared into his eyes what seemed for eternity.
I gave a silently sigh and just went to the restroom.
I need a shower.

As I took a relaxing shower I could feel my stress evaporating from my body.
After a relaxing shower I rinsed the water droplets of my body with a towel.
I looked at the door and shook my head.
After I changed I stared at the door and opened it.

There he was again in the bed with his arm over his face and his eyes shut.
Once I entered the room he got up and stared at me.
"Why do you hate me now?"
"I don't understand you I told you my deepest secret and that you were my mate but now it's like you don't even care."He said angrily as I just stared at him.

After a while of silence I stared down at the floor.
"Even when I tried helping you I even got you a doctor to help you with your voice."
At that I looked at him shocked, so he was trying to help me.

I don't know what to do now so I just stayed silence.
All of the sudden I was grabbed and kissed.
I looked at him in shock.
"Lily..Lets just forget oh and you are still going tomorrow I want to hear that beautiful voice of yours."He said after the kiss I smiled.
I was kinda scared about tomorrow but it will be fine right?
I hope so.

Thanks for reading

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