Chapter 27

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Lily..Lily wake up." I hear someone calling my name.
I opened my eyes slowly to see Adrian standing there.
Once my eyes fully adjusted and I was able to see his face clearly I got up from the corner, and jumped at Adrian hugging him.
"Lily be careful I'm injured."
I back away from him and inspected him.
I saw his arm all scratched up and all bloody.
"I'm sorry."I say as quietly as possible not wanting to cry.

It hurts me seeing him like this.
"Don't worry it will heal it's just going to be really sore.
"Come lily lets get away from here and go to our room."

Happily I nodded I wanted to get away from this horrible experience soon as possible.
I walked behind Adrian seeing his back.
What I saw made me cringe.
Even his back was all torn there were bite marks and scratches all over the place.
Adrian was only wearing shorts so I was able to se his injuries.
I walked up to him and grabbed his uninjured hand.

I never thought about it but I could easily lose him.
And that terrifies me.

Adrian POV
I looked at lily seeing her cringe at my back.
I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her,and pulled her toward my chest.
Nothing was said, but I could tell she was in pain.
We walked up to our room and I picked her up and placed her on our bed.
I laid down next to her covering my eyes with my arm.
My back was burning,but it was my fault I refused any medical attention because others need it more than me.
I removed my arm from my face and rolled so my stomach was against the bed.

I hear a gasp ,and then I hear lily going to the restroom grabbing something and coming back.
"Adrian your bleeding." She whispered.
She placed her hands on my back, and when I feel her skin touch mine I moaned.
She started to wipe the blood away and started treating my back.
"Can you please sit up."
I nodded and faced her.
I see her looking very serious and wrapping my entire back.
When she was done I grabbed her and kissed her.
I hear her moan and I picked up the pace kissing her deeply.
She placed her hands on my chest telling me she needs to breathe.i removed my lips from her smiling.

If you wanted to make me feel better you should've kissed me.
I see her blush, and she did something that I didn't like which was covering her face when she blushes.
I growled, and removed her hands from her face.

"Lily don't cover your face from me."
I see her nod and I smiled.

Wanting more I kissed her again.
Each second passing made me want to mate with her or mark her.
Then I realized I haven't even explained it to her yet.
I stopped the kiss too soon for my liking.
"Lily can I bite you?"I asked not knowing what else to say.
She blinked once and then twice.
"I wanna mark you so everyone can know your mine."
I would just do it but I don't want to freak her out.

"Stop being such a wimp." I ignored Red, and tried to see lily face but that was hard considering her hair was covering her face, and she was looking down.
"I'm sorry Adrian. I don't feel so good."
I hear her whisper that then she bolted and ran to the restroom.

I walked after her to see her puking her guts out. She then passed out making me worried

I widen my eyes when I realized that we both smelled absolutely horrible.
This smell could make a regular human pass out.
To us werewolves we are so use to the smell of rancid blood.
"Forgive me lily." I say as I picked her up and carried her to the bath.
I started stripping her and put her in the bath.

I shivered once I saw her fully naked body. As I inspected her body I saw scars which made me growl.
That stupid old man.
"Haha but he's dead now."Says Red with a creepy smile.
Once the water was full I started cleaning her.
I grabbed her hair, and tried to take off the dried blood off her hair.
How did she get blood on her hair anyways?
It took me a while to get it all out with shampoo.
I then worked on her back massaging her.
I hear her gasp and then she tried to cover herself. I chuckled I've already seen everything.
" I will do the Re-st." Says lily stuttering.
I sighed in disappointment I really did want to clean the rest of her.
I see her cleaning her arms and her chest which made me growl.

When I growled I notice fear in her eye.
Was she Afraid of me?
I looked at her straight in the eye and I growled Mine.
I see her blush and she tried to cover her face but I grabbed it and growled again.
"Lily stop trying to cover yourself from me."I growled.

I picked her up and hugged her.
Once her bare skin touched mine I almost wanted to moan.
When I heard her moan my pupils dilated.
Her breasts felt so good on my bare chest.
I pull away and see her full body again.
I looked at her face, and growled "This is all mine nobody else can see this unless they want to die."
I see blush starting to form on her cheeks, and that made me happy.
I placed her back on the water and went to get a chair.
I came back to my restroom, sat down and just stared at her.
Sure do I care?
Not at all.

I stared at her and when our eyes connected she blushed, and removed her eye contact from mine.
I stared at her as she played with her hair.
As she cleaned her entire body.
Some parts I cannot lie I was jealous of her hands.
They get to touch places that I haven't experienced yet.
Once she was done I grabbed her a towel and wrapped her.
"I'm gonna take a shower now."I tell her.
"You stayed during mine so I have the right to stay in yours."Lily says blushing.
I smiled.

"Have it your way."I tell her as I started stripping.
Once I faced her fully naked her face was so red I could easily mistake her for a tomato.
She then got up and walked away never once looking back.
I laughed at her state.
I left the door opened and got in to wash myself.
I pulled my hair cleaning it, it has gotten long maybe I should grow it out?
I cleaned my entire body making sure I didn't miss one spot.

When I was done I realized there were no towels left on the basket.
I shrugged and went outside the restroom completely naked.
I see lily on the floor picking out her clothes.

As if she knew I was there she looked up. When she saw me her faced turned red.
"Ad-rian whe-re's your tow-el?"I hear her stutter.
"All the towels are dirty."I said.
I was walking up to my closet when I felt something hit me.
I turned around and saw the white towel that hid Lily's body from me.
I slowly looked at her, to my disappointment she had a long shirt on blocking everything.
"You can't be going around naked wear something."
I picked it up and and wrapped it on my waist.

Seeing how she relaxed when I put it on. A smirk slowly started to appear on my face.
"You already saw everything no need for this." I say grabbing the towel and growing it at her feet.
I laughed and went to my closet putting on my clothes.
Once I was done and was fully dressed I turned around, and was surprised when lily hugged me.
"Stop being so mean."
Her voice was muffled, and my chest now covered her face.
She removes herself from me and goes back to the bathroom to brush her teeth.
I stayed there for about 30 seconds wondering what that was about and then laid down on the bed.
When she came back I got up and went to brush my teeth.

For some reason even after a pretty chilled shower my body still felt hot.
I took off my shirt, and I splash some water on myself.
I walked back to the bed looking outside my window.
The sky was super dark by now maybe just passed midnight.

I grabbed lily loving the feeling on my bear skin, and placed her beside me.
"Adrian why are you half naked?"I hear lily whisper.
"I'm feeling kinda hot that all don't worry about it sweet cheeks."
I wrapped my arm around her, and started to fall asleep.

Thanks for reading

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