Chapter 49

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"There you are." I move my head away from my hands and saw my mom. Once I saw her everything broke inside of me and I began to hug her. I could feel tears trying to fall but I didn't let them.

"They won't let me see her." I whispered.
"Don't be scared Adrian they are doctors they know what they are doing." She whispered back running her right hand through my hair.

I couldn't get rid of my anger. Something...something very deep inside of me is rising. And I have a feeling that it will end it all.
I could feel a certain darkness trying to cover my light and that light is Lily.
Once my light fades, who knows what I'll do.

I see the doctor walk out and with a grim expression.
"She's in critical condition, but she is alive. She has been ripped apart in so many different ways that I still don't know how she is still alive."
"I'm I allowed to go inside." I ask him.
He slowly looks at me and gulps, " It would be for the best if we let her rest alone. A single movement could harm her."
I could feel him sweating as I kept on staring at him with such ferocious eyes that could make any man break.
It's not that I'm mad at him, but mad at the people who did to her.

I pick myself up and nod at the man, walking out of the hospital.
Once the air hits me I transform back into my wolf.
Ignoring the pain I was in I ran toward the now empty cave. I still didn't know why I was here but I just wanted to ripped this entire ground. I want this area to completely collapse. To have it exist no longer.

I could feel myself slowly sink into my insanity. I could feel my sanity fade. I just been told that Lily is alive, yet it feels false. I could feel her loosing her life. I could feel my light fading.

What would I do without the one that was supposed to calm me. What would I do without having my mate beside me.
I could ask these questions for hours and the answer would never change. I just started to live. I was grasping the meaning of life in that small second with her.

I close my eyes and opened them again just to see that the cave was still standing.
I dug my paws deep in the dirt and began running again. Deeper and deeper in the forest. I had no idea where I was heading. I wasn't needed at the hospital. Hell I couldn't even see her. These could potentially be her last moments and I can't be there.

I would give my life in a second for her to live. She never felt Life the way she was supposed to feel it. She was kept as a slave child under her stupid father. Her life wasn't suppose to be like this. No human life should be like that.

Realizing that I don't care anymore about the doctor words I turn around and ran back to the hospital.
Passing the trees faster and faster as I reach my destination.

I transform back to my human form and completely naked walked back inside the hospital.
Immediately the nurses brought me a blanket and clothes.
I take them and changed as I walked back to my mom.

She was talking to the doctor and once our eyes met she looked away from me.
She cleared her throat and immediately the doctor stands up and excuses himself.
I narrow my eyes at them and asked my mom what was that about.
"He was explaining to me what type of condition Lily is in."

Breathing in deeply I ask, "How bad is it?"
"She's completely crippled Adrain."
"He says, they have never seen a case like this before."
I looked at her serious face and slowly nod.

I don't care if she's crippled all I want her is to be alive. I want her to heal and come back home with me. I could support her I could help her with all her needs.

"If she gets better can I take her home?" I ask her.
"Adrian you don't understand. Her case is so horrible that she won't be able to leave this hospital ever again."

My eyes slowly widen. I want to see just how bad this is.
I want to see her no matter how scaring this is.

Back in the cave all I notice were her ears. That was the only gaping hole in her body that I noticed. She had cuts and bruises, but the way they acted it seemed much more worst.
"She won't ever see, hear, or feel you ever again." She tells me.

I close my eyes and clenched my fist to the point that could hear my knuckles crack. I open my hands and noticed blood. I reopened my knuckles injuries.
I run my tongue over the blood and felt another rage built inside me.
My mom immediately calls in some nurses. Once they see my hand they start bringing in medical equipment to fix my hand.

As one of the nurses grabbed my hand Immediately pull back my hand.
"There is no point for you to fix this. Go help the other patients, the ones that actually want to live." I tell her deeply with no hint of any type of emotion in my voice.

She looks at me and then gives my mom a quick glance.
"I can't do that. You are the son of the Alpha you are who we protect."
She said, trying to get my hand.

I slightly growled at her, but then closed my eyes and let her do it.
There is no point in trying to protect me anymore as I am my own destruction.

Thanks for Reading!!!
My Mute Mate is reaching its end. I can't wait until you guys read the last chapter. What do you guys think will happen? Will she wake up? Will she die? Will he survive with the new Lily? Or will he just end it all?

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