Chapter 10

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~~~~Adrian POV~~~~
Its been 1 week and yet no sound from her. Her bruises were healing which was a good thing.

I stayed by her side the entire time.
She has a peaceful look on her face.
I couldn't stand it knowing why she's here also it's the reason why I can't see her beautiful eyes.
I can not stand it any longer I need to see her eyes.

"Lily please baby wake up, " I whispered.
The doctor said to speak to her with love it will wake her up faster.
I, of course, would do anything so she could wake up any faster.

"Lily please wake up I need you here," I whispered again.
I sighed.
It was an awful week everyone was depressed except Katherine.
She was happy for some reason which made me suspicious.
I even told my father about it.
We never liked her, her mother was just like her and use to hit on My dad and my mother kicked her out. Katherine stayed because we didn't want her to end up like her mother and thought if we raised her right she will be alright.
Boy, were we wrong.
Katherine after being spotted by the doctor visiting Lily the only time my mom forced me to get out of that room to eat.
When she left the doctor right away went in it seem she pulled out the iv and that could have killed lily.
After that news, my father kicked her out of the pack no matter how much she begged she showed no loyalty to us and brought us shame by her behavior.
I didn't care about Katherine she got what she deserved.
After that, I made sure I never left lily side, and this time my mother understood.
I felt something move I called the doctors.
"Lily honey move for me again."
Her heart started beating faster.
"Keep talking to her she is coming back." Said one of the doctors
"Lily baby listen to me wake up for me."
~~~~~Lily POV~~~~~

I was floating in darkness.
I kept on hearing my name.
I kept on ignoring it.
I was scared of waking up.
I was terrified of the world.
I couldn't wake up yet.
I needed peace.
But I kept on hearing my name, for once I paid attention to it.
"Lily please baby wake up."
Huh? Is that Adrain?
What is he doing talking to me?
"Lily please wake up I need you."
He needs me?
He kept on talking to me and I felt my self floating toward the light.
Half of me wanted to go the other half didn't.
"Lily" I hear his voice.
It was so desperate.
I went to the light.
"Lily honey please move again for me" Adrian whispered.
I then let myself go and I floated toward the light and the next thing I knew was there was bright light all around me. I couldn't open my eyes, not like this.
I couldn't tell them so I moved my finger and point it at the light.
It seems they got the message and turned it off.

I felt a hug.
It was from Adrian.
Why was he here?
I opened my eyes to make sure it was him. And it was.

I pointed at the doctor's post-it and pen.

The doctor looked at me with a strange look and gave them to me.
Because of that look, I wrote down "I'm mute" to the doctor and gave it to him.
After he read it, he was shocked and apologize. I just gave him a small smile indicating it ok.
I then look at Adrian. He was a mess.
His black hair was all over the place.
He had dark rings under his eyes.
Which made me think was he not getting any sleep because of me?

"Go away Adrian gets some sleep."
I wrote and gave the post-it to him. His face fell a bit.
"No." He said strictly
Oh, um now I feel bad.
"I'm sorry." I wrote down
"No I'm sorry I just don't want to leave you alone," he whispered and hugged me again.
I pointed at my stomach.
"Oh, are you hungry."
He looked at me.
I nodded.

Oh no I totally forgot about my father.
I grabbed his shirt before he left.
He looked at me curiously.
"Adrian, how long have I been here?"
"One week why?" He asked me
One week my eyes got so wide I was scared of what would happen when I go back home.
But then it hit me I passed out when my father hit me on my head.
How did Adrian find me?

"Adrian, how did you find me?"
He looked at the paper then at me and I saw that his eyes turned black.
How does he do that?
"Adrian tell me what happened everything." I wrote down
He nodded and started talking about him and Jake looking all over town for me.

After the entire story, I was shocked he killed my father. He shot my father. He is now dead.
~~~~Adrian POV~~~~
I felt terrible lying to Lily but I couldn't tell her about me being a werewolf.
It not healthy for her.
I don't want her to be in shock forever.
I nervously touched my hair.
I then left to get her food.
I came back with a bowl of mash potatoes.
She grabbed the bowl and begin eating it.
I smiled at her even though she was mad at me for killing her father I didn't care.
He deserves death.
"Babe can you try to talk to me try to use your voice, "I begged her.
She looked at me like I was crazy.
"Sorry, Adrian but I can't I haven't spoken in 10 years." she wrote down on a post-it.
"Lily you have to speak again tell me why you stopped."
She gave me a look and shook her head.
"Sorry, it's personal."
"Lily you can trust me."
I didn't get any reaction I guess I have to prove myself.

Thanks for reading


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