Chapter 14

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~~Lily POV ~~
I woke up from my nap feeling really warm.
Something was wrapped around me that was extremely warm.
It was very comfortable but too hot so I turned around to grab whatever was on top of me and pull it off my body.
As I was doing that I heard a grunt.
That sound made me stop and think.
Where I'm I? What is this?
I scared turned around to see that the thing around me was an arm.
I looked up and saw that it was Adrian arm.
Why is he wrapping me around his body?

I made room between us and at this point I'm facing the wall I move a bit more and now I'm touching it.
The thing was it didn't work at all.
As if he could feel I'm missing he moved closer to me.
He then wrapped his arms around me again.
What is happening?
I now was stuck I couldn't move.

I started shaking him so he could wake up.
Yea,no don't do that, he just wrapped his arms around me tighter.
I then heard a small laugh.
He was awake the entire time wasn't he.
I elbowed him to leave me go and was responded by a no.
What what does he mean no.
I then start elbowing him harder on the side.
"Lily what are you doing?"he questions me
What does he mean what I'm I doing?
He then laughs and sat up but yet he never let go of me.

To him I was just a teddy bear.
I was being treated like a teddy bear.
I tried to make space and tried to get away from him.
He starts to laugh,seriously what is so funny?
I gave him a grumpy look and he started to laugh harder.
At this point I wanted to pull my hair off.
Let me go!!

From trying so hard to get out of his arms I was now out of breath.
I then gave up,I don't think I'll escape.
The moment I gave up trying he let me go.
Which just annoyed me even more.
Haven't I been through enough why do I have to be with this guy.

He stared at my face and started to laugh again.
My expression was most likely annoyed yet he found it hilarious.

"Lily-"he kept on interrupting himself by laughing.
Is it his mission to make my life even worst?
I got up and left him laughing to god knows what and got my pen and notebook and wrote down"Stop laughing you freak."
He then laughed even harder.
Ok now I was beyond annoyed,so I took a pillow and just threw it at his face.
The laughter finally stopped.
I was enjoying the peace that is silence I felt something hit my face.
I looked down at the pillow and looked at him. Without thinking I just grabbed it and threw it at him with more force.

"Oh baby it's on"I hear Adrian say
Next thing I knew was we were having a crazy pillow fight.
I then felt hands around me and it practically threw me to the bed.
Which shocked me,I opened my eyes and saw Adrian looking down at me.
I opened my eyes wider and he gave me a smile.
He then had a serious face on which Freaked me out.I then not wanting him to get closer to me hit him with the pillow next to me.
I got up and wrote down "you lose sucka" I then fist pump the air.
"As if" he was in denial

"Stop denying it I won you're just a sore loser." I wrote down,normally I wouldn't write this type of words but I was excited I was having fun at this moment.
"I'm not a sore loser I think you're just an awful winner"he says with a grumpy face.
I wanted to laugh at his face.
So I did,without any sound though.
It felt nice to be happy even if this was a dumb reason.

"Yea right mister I'm amazing you're just jealous."
He scoffed at me "Don't flatter yourself and no I am not I think your jealous of me."
"Why would I be jealous of you right now I'm the winner?" I write down with a confused face.
Which made him silent"whatever you say."
Yus I won the conversation I'm on fire.

I sat down on the bed and looked at him.
Was this weird?
Because I know it's not normal to hang out with a killer.

Now my mood went down.
"Hey don't make that sad face lets do something we have a couple more hours till night"
I looked at his clock which said 4pm.

I looked at him and nodded,it wouldn't hurt to have fun right?

As I got up to grab my pen I heard a growl,but this time it was me with the growling stomach.
I felt myself turn red.

I looked at Adrian and watched him laugh and calling me cute.
"Aw come on let's eat,"Adrian said

I nodded I can now actually eat so I'm going to take advantage of that.
I sat down at the table looking at Adrian cook.
He really knows how to cook,the entire time he talked to me.
When we were done eating I got up threw our paper plates away.

"So now what do you want to do lily?"he asked me

I have no idea I gave him a shrug.
He then though about it and he decided that swimming is not a good idea right now. "Hey what about we get to know each other let's um give each other questions or we could play truth or dare your choice."

Wait isn't truth or dare the same thing you ask questions and you get to play dares.
I take out my notebook "Ok let's play truth or dare."I write down
He smiled at me,"ok who starts how about about a coin flip.If it's tails you start is its head I'll go ok."
I nodded at him.
As the coin landed it was tails.
Which mean I go yay.

"Truth or dare" I wrote down
Hmm ok
"I dare you to eat the most disgusting thing you find in the fridge" As I wrote this down I wanted to laugh.
He then got up and went to the fridge and pulled out this container of bad cheese.
It smelled terrible,just by smelling it I was already gagging.

He gave it a disgusted look.
He then just ripped one piece of it and ate it.
I had my mouth open I was in shock he ate it.
Which was a bad idea because he threw some at my mouth.
I then started spitting it out and gave him a bad look.
"Aw lily you should know never keep your mouth open around people,"He smirks
I gave him a death glare.
"Ha I love that look and ok my turn truth or dare."
Hmm I'm scared what dare would be.
Should I be manly or be a wimp,this is seriously what this game needs to be called.
Ok fine "dare"
Right when I showed him my notebook he had this evil look which made me regret it FAST.
"Ok I dare you to pick out apples out of the toilet with your mouth."
What have I done I just had to pick dare.

I went to the bathroom and Adrian came in with 3 apples he put them on the toilet."ok starts I want all of them out."
I gave him a death glare and moved my hair and looked at the toilet and went for it.
First thing was that it was disgusting I could taste the toilet water as I opened it to get the apples.
I had to be doing this for 5 minutes until I got them all.
With the the last apple I threw it at him with my teeth.
I smiled being proud I did that.

Ok now it's time to get my revenge.
To by terrible luck he picked truth.
"Ok tell me your biggest fear."I wrote down,I'm going to use this information to my entertainment one day.
But the answer confused me.
"Being rejected"he says with a small sad smile.
Being rejected? What does that mean? Being rejected by who?
But then he added "losing love ones."
Which i understood better.
"Ok truth or dare?"
Doing the same thing I picked truth.
"Ok tell me your worst fear."
Ok now I don't know sure I'm afraid of many things but now he's gone.
I couldn't think of anything,"I don't know sorry"
He then looked at me and nodded as if he understood me.
We kept on playing until I got tired and went to sleep.
He said we can play tomorrow but right now it's time to sleep.

As I got brushed my teeth I thought about my day.
I really do think this was amazing it started bad but I had fun.
I looked at myself in the mirror my bruises were changing colors now it has this ugly yellow color to it.

As I finished I went to bed and right before I feel asleep I felt warm surrounding me once again.

Thanks for reading

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