Chapter 42

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Lily POV
Right after Adrian left I went back to washing myself. I could still feel the heat on my face and the cold water wasn't really helping.
I put it back to how I like it and started to rinse my body throughly.

Once I was done I got out of the restroom and started to change, completely ignoring the man staring at me intensely.

I changed as quickly as possible and turned around pointing my index finger at him.

"Why are you staring at me like that?"I ask him.

I see him shrug and he lazily replies?"Because I can."

Not knowing what to say I turned around walking up to my brush on the floor.
Why was it on the floor I have no idea.

That is not the point the point is that he thinks he can do anything without me being angry.

"Why did you walk inside while I was taking a shower. I don't remember telling you to join me." I furrow my eyebrows at him trying to give him the message that I'm a bit angry.

Once again he shrugs and replies," Because I can."

"... You're kidding right?"
I wanted to throw the brush at him.
Instead of giving in to domestic violence I smiled at him.

"Fine then I'm not going to make any type of skin contact with you for one year." I say exaggerating the year part.

I won't last a year I may not even last a whole month without a hug.

Adrian laughs and starts clutching his stomach as if it's the funniest thing he ever heard.

"Yea right we live together it would drive you insane if we never made any type of skin contact." He says laughing but I sadly understood what he was saying.

I narrow my eyes at him.

I'm making it my life mission now.
Maybe not a whole year, but long enough that he feels bad about it.

I turn around ignoring him once again.
I go on combing my hair keeping it down.
I part my hair in the middle twirling the beginning section, so my hair has some type of personality.

I look at myself in the mirror and I was looking ok.

"Alright let's go." Adrian says once he saw that I was done.

I nodded keeping my distance away from him.
I end up walking in front of him and started to run towards his car, so I could open the door myself.
I sit down waiting for him I look at him through the windshield, and he's just standing there with a confused expression. He shakes his head and gives me a smile that makes my heart melt.

Yup this is going to be tortuous.

The entire ride I never said a single word to Adrian. He did try talking to me at first, but he was replied with only silence.

I know I'm taking it too far I don't have to ignore him but I don't want to talk to him, so I just looked outside the window the entire ride.
Once I saw the view of the pack house I looked at Adrian.
He seemed to be irritated, whoops.

He parks the car and faces me," Look Lily you can do your thing, talk to your female friends, but you can not wonder off at all. Ok Lily." He placed his hand on my left knee.
I looked at the hand and shook my knee giving him a disgusted look.
I know, I know I'm taking this too far.
I shake my head at him and got out of the car.

I see Adrian face which is in shock. I then proceed to close the door saying to myself, "Lily 1, Adrian 0.

I see the pack house door open, but instead of just walking in I knock on the door.
"Come in Honey." I hear Merlin shout from the inside.
Following her words I walk inside seeing a lot of people, and most of them were males with their shirts off.
I look behind me where Adrian was.
He caught my eye and then looked at the crowd of half naked males.

"ALRIGHT SHIRT ON OR GET OUT!" Adrian growls very loudly that I think I lost half of my hearing.

Right away all the guys that had their shirt off put it on in a heart beat.

I hear laughter from the ladies at the back.
I shake my head, today is not Adrain day.

I excuse myself and walk toward Merlin and the gals.
I noticed that when I was walking passed the males they sniffed the air and gave Adrian a knowing look.
Not knowing what that was about I ignored them.

As I reached the gals they all just looked at me giving me a knowing look at well.

"Ah my son finally grew balls." Says Merlin shocking me.

I give them a confused look, "Huh?"

"Honey we all know you smell just like him now."Bertha winks at me.
I blushed finally getting this.

"Hahaha! I don't think she knew." Laughs Bertha.
"Join the club honey." Merlin says shaking her head.

I smile at her slightly, still feeling embarrassed.
Remembering why I actually came here for I excuse myself going to where Adrian and his pack members were training at.

I see him being focused on his members having them change to their wolf form fighting each other in one and one battles.
Even Adrian and from what I believe is Jake fighting and it looks like the pack members are learning from the battle.

I smile at them and walked toward the forest.
On the paper that I showed Adrian it just said Be careful I'm taking your precious mate just like you took mine.
What are you going to do about this Big Alpha?

But sadly that wasn't all. I tore a piece out the bottom where it seemed to be directed to me.
Come to the forest alone and start yelling something when you're far away from everyone. If you don't we attack them and kill everyone you don't want to play with a crazy man do you?

I know I'm falling for some sort of trap, but what can I say I care for the people around me a lot more.

I feel a tear fall and I wipe it quickly not trying to regret my decision.

I go and start running far enough to where I couldn't turn back anymore.
I ran and ran into the dark forest trying to give them what they want.

Which of course was me. I never would be free would I? So why not just let the people I like free. I don't care about myself.

After running long enough I start yelling grey eyed.
Then I realized that Katherine was dead so his eyes must've turned red. I know Adrian will go insane, and I hate knowing I had that commitment with him. I know that I also acted like a brat toward him, but that was to add some space today I'll miss him but in my head I have to do this.
I'm just destroying it like it's nothing.

I hear a sound coming from the back of me.
I turn around and slightly whimpered.
I still can't act all mighty and tough it's not in me.
"Come with me." Said a very cold voiced man with the dullest red eyes I had ever seen. They looked like they were fake, but I knew they were not.

I nodded following him like the idiot I am.

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