Chapter 20

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When I woke up I could feel that I was being held.
I opened my eyes to see Adrian holding me,his arms around me.
I tried to get up completely.
I started grabbing his arms and pulling it away but it just made it worst.
He grabbed me and pulled me closer holding me tighter.

I tried pushing him by the chest.
Yea nothing didn't even move.
I started pinching him which just made him make sounds.
I sadly couldn't reach his nose so I couldn't cover it.
I was stuck.

After a while of just thinking I had this horrible evil BRILLIANT plan.
I saw that my knee was near his crotch area.

So..I raised it and hit him straight in his manhood.
I hit him hard enough to wake him up.
I didn't hit him hard enough to ruin his life and not have kids.

Adrian wakes up,moves me and starts holding his private area.
He got up looking at me with mad eyes.
"What was that for?!"
I ignored him,he deserves it I can't be living like this I need my air.
I got up ignoring him nagging behind me and went straight to the restroom.
After I refreshed my self I went back where Adrian was.
I felt bad that I hit him but seriously why does he always hold me so tightly like I was going to run away?

"Lily please tell me what I did to get you mad enough for you to hit me"he says mad eyes, stern voice.

I looked around for paper and a pen once I found them I started writing.
"Look I'm sorry, but I couldn't breathe you were holding me tightly do you want to kill me??"
I passed it to him well more like I threw it and sat down on the bed with arms folded around my chest.
I looked at him as he read it he had an expression I didn't know well.
"..I'm sorry Lily I didn't mean to hurt you and no I will never hurt you wouldn't even dream about it."
What with those eyes of his?
They were darker just a minute ago and now they are a really light shade of blue.

I nodded accepting his apology I don't want him to be mad at me not do I want to be mad at him considering he did save me.

Adrian reached out to hug me.
I moved back.
After yesterday I don't think we should be that close I don't want to get hurt anymore.


She really does have a loud voice I smiled again thinking that I can eat  her food it's amazing.
I wish I can help her I've seen her cook all the times.
She always had this nice expressions on  when she cooked like she was calmed by cooking.
I looked at Adrian one more time and got up and went toward the stairs.
I could hear Adrian coming after me as he put on a shirt.

I entered the kitchen and a strong scent on cinnamon hit me. I looked around and saw her baking cinnamon rolls.
She heard me enter and turned around smiled at me"good morning dear, I hope you slept well last night."
I nodded it was good until I woke up..stuck.
Adrian enters looking around he walked up to his mom and kissed her on the forehead.
"Mmm cinnamon rolls mom you really know how much I love those."
His mom blushed "guilty..I wanted to see you happy."

He really does have a great mother.
It was nice seeing me like this but it made me depressed knowing I don't have that.
I walked up to them and tapped on Mrs.Black shoulder.
I grabbed my pen and paper which I always have on me now.
"Can I help you by cooking or chores maybe?"
I wanted to help her I want to make her feel appreciated.
"Oh no dear you don't have to do the chores I have the boys do that how about you help me cook is that good?"

I nodded giving her a smile.
I washed my hands and started helping her making the rolls as Adrian sat on the table eating egg and bacon which his mom made.
At times to time Adrian feed me as I walked passed him.
His mother notices and smiles at both of us.

My Mute Mate Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ