Chapter 39

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It was the Anniversary of Mr. And Mrs. Black. Adrian and I talked to many pack members.
At one point Mrs. Black asked Adrain to put me down.


We've been here for a while now and many of the pack members chuckles and said things like," That's young love." Or " Remember when you never placed me down honey when we were younger."

Seriously I even had to eat my cake on his back. He was happy so I think it'll be fine.

"Honey put her down I want to talk to her." Says Bertha.

"Then talk she can hear you from there."

"How rude did your mother teach you like that I think not, so put her down be a gentleman." She replies back.

He still refused to let me down as if I was going to run away the second he did.

In the end Bertha just talked to me and ignored Adrian it was quite funny really.

"Come on let's go talk to my dad remember I have to tell him what happened before we leave." Adrian whispered.

We said goodbye to Bertha and He walked to his father.
His father looked amused to see me on his back again.
"Still haven't put her down boy? Good." He chuckles.

"I have something to talk to you about." From the tone of Adrian voice his father face changed.

He excused himself from the people he was talking to and walked toward outside, Adrian followed him.

Nervously I squeeze Adrian shoulder with my arms to calm myself down.
I still remember how his voice can make you feel.

"I killed two rouges yesterday. One of them was Katherine and some other man. Apparently there is another man that was Katherine mate and is after my Lily. Now that I killed his mate I know he has gone insane and won't stop till he had lily dead."

I stared at Adrian shocked.
I didn't know all of that. No wonder he doesn't want me to be even one inch away from him.

"Alright you did what you had to do, and because of that I have to ask you to move in back to the pack house." His father had his authority voice one his eyes stern.

He knew Adrian wasn't going to go back in without a fight. I know he now hates his room because of me.

"No I'll still stay at my new house with Lily. If you want you could send people to patrol at night but I'll do just fine." Adrian says with the same type of authority tone that his father used.

"Son it's for the best. Do you want your mate dead? I don't think you do, so just come back. Also patrol? Why would I danger my people for your stubbornness?"

I feel Adrian tense up. He didn't like being talked down upon.

"Dead? Of course I don't want her dead old man."
You could tell Adrian was pissed from the way his voice came out.

"Well then come back. If you choose not to them suit yourself, but don't come back crawling back to me when you get attacked."

Adrian gave out a slight growl and left. He walked back inside and grabbed his mother.
"Mom why don't you talk some sense in Alpha Black." He spits out refusing to call him Dad.

I see Mrs.Black shake her head.
"Again? Why are you two always arguing?" She sighs.

"I don't know what happened but your father is mad and he's calling for me wait a bit will you." She gives Adrian a small smile before walking outside to her husband.

I give another squeeze to Adrian, as if I'm telling him I'm still here for you.

"You must think I'm silly don't you? I know it would safer if we moved back here, but I just can't. I want you to be with me 24/7. You trust me don't you lily?"
I couldn't see his expression, and I really wish I could see it. I know he's scared that I'll get hurt and he thinks it would be the best if I stay there alone with him, but I knew one that I definitely trust him.

I nodded and whispered," Yes I do."
I place my face on his shoulder calming myself.
I was always relax when I was near Adrian, breathing him in.

It wasn't long till his mom came back with a sad expression.

"Don't hate me, but I think your dad is right it's for the best Adrian come back you have more protection here then over there."

He tensed up again.
"Yes its true but no thank you I'll do things my own way." He leans toward her planting a kiss on her cheek.
"I'll be fine mom and we'll be here often too ok."

She nodded with a sad look on her eyes.
She knew she wouldn't win a fight against Adrian.

I think Adrian feels as if he's weak and that's why he is going against his father to prove himself.
He knows it would be better but he chooses not to see it that way. He doesn't doubt himself when it come to protecting me, and really neither do I.

Thanks for reading!!!

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