Chapter 8

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~~~~Lily POV~~~~

I woke up and saw white walls.
Oh, I'm at a hospital...
WAIT. WHAT! No, I can't hear. Remembering about school I start to panic. What time is it? Please, someone, tell me that school isn't over yet my father is going to kill me please I hope he doesn't find out.
I panicking look around and spot Adrian talking to A Doctor.
No did they see my bruises?

The doctor noticed I was awake and smiled at me."How are you feeling." He polity asked.
No this could not be happening I looked at the doctor and pointed at his Pen and paper. He then nodded and have them to me.
"Doctor please I have to get out of here I beg of you let me out."I panicky wrote.

As the doctor read it his smile turned into a serious thin line.
"Sorry I can't let you go." He apologized.
No, I looked at him with wide eyes and grabbed his pen again and wrote down "No let me out of here"
He just looked at me sighed and called Adrian. As I saw Adrain I wrote down "YOU THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" I was furious right now.
He gave me a sad face but I didn't care he doesn't know the things he created for me.
I closed my eyes and pulled off the Iv.
I opened my eyes and the doctor started scolding me.
I ignored him completely not giving a damn and glared at Adrian with all the hatred I could muster.

Adrain then sighed " Doc I don't want her to hate me so just let her go." He tells the doc.
The doctor looks at him and nodded.
In my opinion, it was too late I already hated him.

He then took me straight to school and thanks goodness it wasn't over YET.
There were only 10 minutes left so there was no point to go to class. "Look at lily I'm sorr-" he started to say but I stopped him by glaring at him. He then whimpered.
Now that surprised me how could he whimpered.
Ugh, it doesn't matter.
Right, when the bell rang I got up and started to walk out of there and toward my father's house.

Right, when I opened the door I saw my father looking at me with a belt on his hand.

OH NO...
I looked beside him it was his "women" she looked annoyed and kept asking him to forget about me and that they go to his room to have more "fun".
This time I couldn't agree more please forget about me.

"Sorry, babe I'll be there wait for me there." He told her and she nodded and left us alone.
"So you stupid bitch where were you?"
"I know you weren't at school I got a call."
I couldn't say anything and the longer he waited the more his face got red.

He then stopped waiting and gave me my first blow and it was on the side.
Argh, that hurt I think he broke one of my ribs. He then just started hitting me harder and harder by each blow I was bleeding for sure I felt my arm get numb.
The next thing I knew is that he threw a lamp at me causing me to pass out...

~~~~Adrian POV~~~~
Ugh, I can't believe this I'm such an idiot. I went to my room and passed out.
I woke up by feeling pain. Yes, pain and no I wasn't getting hurt but I was feeling pain. The first thing that popped up in my head was Lily.
I don't even know where she is so I couldn't do anything I couldn't even smell her out not when she so far and I don't have anything from her that I could use. I then panic when my head hurts and then the pain stopped.

Huh? Why did it stop?
I went running to The Alpha Office I looked at my father panicking. "ADRIAN calm down." I looked at him and started to call down. "Ok now tell me what is happening."
I Then told him EVERYTHING Lily being my mate, Her bruises, the pain.
After I finished talking my father looked at me with pained eyes.
"Son we can't do anything not unless you have something of her." He apologized.
NO this was what I was afraid of.
"Son did it ever cross your mind that she might be abused." He looked at me strictly.
"No-I don't know, who would want to abuse her?" I look at him with grief eyes.
"I don't know but you have to find out ok tomorrow."
I nod an left the office and went to my room.
I felt like shit and I bet my father did as well because he can't do anything about it. I will confront her tomorrow.
"Yes do that we have to get an answer," Red said.
I agreed with him we could not just live knowing our mate is in danger.
I sighed and tried to sleep and clear my head. I'll talk to her tomorrow for sure that was my last thought as I knocked out.

Thanks for reading

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