Chapter 48

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"You're lying. She is not dead." I growl at him, warning him not to over step.

I know she's not dead. I could still sense her.
"You sure about that." He whispered to me, getting under my skin.

I could feel a coldness on my body and mind.
It's impossible.
She can't be dead. No! No!

I feel someone grab me by the neck.
"You stupid idiot she's dead and you will be soon too." He says tightening his strength against my neck.

I get my strength back and I began prying his hands off of me. I push him back with a solid punch. As he staggers back I grab him from the neck and growled, "Where is she. This is your final warning."

I released some pressure on his neck so he could talk. "Just kill me so I could burn for killing your mate."

As if he knew that would tick me off I slowly applied more pressure and saw his face turn different colors before I completely snap his neck. I knew he completely gave up on himself as he did not resist at all.

Remembering why I was here I run deeper into the cave, and I could feel lily near. I couldn't hear her heartbeat and that was giving me anxiety. I enter a dimly lit room and I see a body on the floor. Immediately I run to it and see my poor Lily. She wasn't even Lily any more, it was like a bag of limbs.

She was on the floor; helpless. I place my heart on her chest slowly. Her heartbeat was faint, but there. I don't know what to feel. I am in absolute rage about what they did to her. Yet, she's in my arms alive.

I gently pick her up and started walking to the outside. Once I was outside I placed lily down on the grass and transformed back to a wolf.

I mind linked every member in my pack and yelled at them lily it's in poor shape and to send all the unused doctors for her and the injured pack members inside the cave. I heard so many responses that I had to turn off my mind link.

Looking back at Lily, I could feel Lily pain and it's breaking me. I couldn't see what exactly they did to her, but it's horrible. The only thing I can tell was her ears. It's just a gaping hole and her body was covered in all sorts of cuts and marks. There were cuts and marks all over her stomach and chest.

I dig my claws in fury to the ground wishing to kill them all over again. I gently nudge her hair out of her face. I growled as I saw more bruises on the side of her face.
Her eyes had dark rings around them with forming bruises.
I laid down beside her, making sure her heart was still going. I looked around to see injured pack members all around us. I haven't noticed that their were more people than use two.

I whine in pain for everything that has happened. I'm not one to get sad easily, but when you have the love of your life looking like death was a step away it starts to change things. I wanted to get Lily smell back. All I smell was blood and it was her blood. A type of blood that wasn't ever meant to be spilled.

I wasn't even sure if there were more battles going on inside the cave. I'm not exactly sure but I can tell the rouges killed a couple of us. I could tell that we definitely killed more of them. I saw Jake walking out of the cave with his arm completely broken. There was a piece of his bone sticking out. It will be back to normal thanks to our genetics. Any type of disability would make the pack rethink his power as beta, but he would have the chance to redeem himself.
I slowly get up and we make eye contact. He walks to us and sat down next to me.

"It's over." He says and I knew he was talking about the battles.
I glance at him and then at Lily. It's not over until Lily open her eyes and shows me her beautiful blue eyes.

As Jake tries snapping his bone back to its place I could hear the siren which means that backup is here.

When they got her I walked to one of them and brought her to Lily. She looked at me with sadness in her eyes and picked her up and placed her inside. I transform back to my human form and she immediately gave me a blanket. I walk inside the ambulance with Jake following me.

"Jake we need to give you blood before you bleed out!" She said in surprise for not noticing his injury.

"It's ok Alexa. Go mend the others I'll stay here with them. We aren't too far from the pack hospital." He says to calm her down but she seemed hesitant, but in the end she let Jake do as he pleased.

On the way to the hospital no one talked. We were both too busy in our thoughts. I would sometimes growled at the paramedics for sticking so many needles in Lily. Even though I knew they were trying to help her. I just couldn't see her like this. This reminds me too much of my grandmother death and I never want Lily to go through that.

Once we got there Jake and I hopped off and I told Jake to get that arm fix. The paramedics then rush Lily inside the hospital. I was taken away from her immediately and I was not happy about it. They told me to go in and to get my injuries checked out. I walk in the hospital and when they noticed me they rushed me into a room.

Everything that happens next was a blur. I would listen to the doctor like a zombie with only one thought in my head and that thought was only Lily.

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