Chapter 5

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Lily POV

I woke up around 3 am, and just couldn't go back to sleep. I had such a vivid nightmare.
It was about a wolf chasing me in a forest and I don't know what happened next. It scared me I think it was going to eat me.

I couldn't fall back to sleep so I decided to resume drawing.
It looked so good it had a full moon and there was a wolf at the edge of the cliff it looks so magical.

When I finish drawing it,it was already 6:30am so I got ready for school.
I didn't see my father at all this morning and it seems he wasn't home so that means I don't have to cook for him. These days are so rare because these are the days I actually can cook for my self. I made my self a turkey sandwich with the leftovers.
This has to be the best thing I've eaten in a long time.
Today is going well I thought happily I hope it doesn't get ruined.

I start walking as I ate my sandwich.
I got to school just in time. Class was about to start in 5 mins, surprisingly  everyone was back. They also seemed to be in a good mood. I probably missed something they probably had a Carnival Fair again. I never got to go to one because my father will never let me go out.

I took a seat for class which already started but every one was talking about something. I tried to hear what they were talking about.
"Did you hear it looks like Katherine is going to become the new you know..Luna,"Whispers a girl.

What? Huh? That might be a different name for a beauty pageant.
I won't be suprised if she wins I mean she is gorgeous.

Class starts and 40 minutes later Katherine and her group comes to class late. Don't know what that is about but she seems mad.

After another 5 minutes After Katherine showing up late Adrian comes to class furious with Jake behind him and he was glaring at Katherine.
Huh wonder what that is about.

~~~~~Adrian POV~~~~~
As Jake and I were walking to class late already but it doesn't really matter to me but it does to Jake because he loves learning. Right when I was going to open the door to enter class I heard something that shocked me."Hey did you hear,it looks like Katherine is Adrian mate which makes her the pack Luna." Says a pack member.
Wait what did I hear correctly I look at Jake and he was socked as well. I walk up to them "Wait Jason right?" "Yes sir" he says as he lowers his head out of respect.
"Can you repeat that?" " The part that Katherine is my mate?"I ask him.
"Ok but don't you already know I mean she is your mate right?" He responded
"No" I tell him "So can you explain to me." I say.
"Ok alpha it appear Katherine been telling everyone that you are her mate and she is the Luna."He tells me looking at me as if I don't know she's my mate.
"Look she is not my mate I don't know why this rumor is spreading but it false she is not my mate ok" I say angrily

Wow I'm so confused why would she lie I even told her yesterday that she wasn't my mate.
"Thanks Jason and oh if you could can you tell people that Katherine is not my mate." I ask him.
" Of course I wouldn't want a rumor about you to spread sir." He says.
I nod and we said our goodbyes to Jason.I look at Jake Wow what was that about."Damn"says Jake
"I know we have a problem now I hope no one actually believes that." I told him.

I open the door and I saw Katherine and started to glare at her,but then I smelled something so amazing it was berries mixed with vanilla and a hint of coconut. It was amazing, I then heard my inner wolf Red say "MATE".
I then whispered Mate so low so only Jake could hear me. He looked at me with wide eyes and a big smile.
~~~~~~Lily POV~~~~~~

The next thing I know was that Jake was smiling at Adrain and Adrain looked around the room and stopped at me.
I turned away I couldn't look at him and his intense eyes.
Next thing I know is that he was sitting next to ME!!! What? No this isn't correct no one ever sits next to me.
I look at him strangely.
I then looked up and saw Katherine glaring at me.
Huh? What did I do now?
Mr.Lee started to teach again as everyone settled down again.

As I was coping notes down on my paper my pencil rolled away as I put it down to take a break it must've been my elbow as I went to get another piece of paper from my backpack.
I reached for it and as I grabbed one I felt my shirt go up showing my back.
Which was covered in bruises i heard a growl.
Wait what a growl wow I must be going insane. I looked around if anyone saw that but thankfully it seems no one did. As I looked at Adrain he seems to be furious he had a strong grip on his pencil that it shattered to little pieces. I look at him with wide eyes how strong is he.
The pencil didn't just snapped it turned into dust it was completely shattered.
How is that even possible.

~~~~~~Adrian POV~~~~~~

I couldn't stop looking at my mate.
I saw her reach down to get her pencil and her shirt came a bit up. I couldn't believe how terrible her back was it was completely bruised. I got so mad and wanted to do horrible things to the person that did that to her. I couldn't even look at her I was so MAD that the pencil I was holding snapped into many little pieces. Jake looked at me,"Hey what's wrong" he talked to me  using the pack connection link.I looked at him,"Her back"I choke "it was all covered in bruises"I tell him.
He looked at me with wide eyes.
"Dayum" he whispers out loud.
I stayed silent thinking how I'm going to kill the person that hurt her.

Class was over after that and I ran out of the classroom and just ran straight to the forest which was right next to the school. I had to get it out of my system before I kill someone I ran for about an hour till I was for sure I wouldn't kill anyone. I saw Jake next to a tree waiting for me the entire time he really is the best beta and best friend.I walked up to him"I'm alright now" I told him with a sad look.

" Adrain you sure you still look pissed"he says as he looks at me as if trying to make sure I really won't kill anyone.
"Look I don't want to talk about it.."I tell him strongly.
I see him nod and we go back to school.

~~~~~~Lily POV~~~~~~~
Right when the bell rang I saw Adrain run so fast out of the classroom with a look I knew too much. A hatred look.
It was time for lunch so I went to my favorite spot, it looked good so I sat down on the grass enjoying the felling of nature around me.
I then see Adrian and Jake walking out of the woods. The weren't allowed to go there. As I look at them I made eye contact with Adrain and he stopped walking and Jake was telling him something that made Adrain nod and walk away.

Not knowing what that was about I chose to ignore it and pulled out my drawing of the full moon and the wolf. I admired it, it looked so amazing I wanted to color it but was afraid to ruined it so I just left it the way it was.
I then took out my homework and started to do it now before I get home so it won't be in the way.
The day went fast after that and I got home cooked for myself again which was a suprised my father wasn't home for the whole day. I then fell asleep peacefully without fear dreaming about a wolf again.

Thanks for reading

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