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Category: Fantasy, magic
Rating: 9.5/10

This book has a theme to it where it seems like it could take place in ancient China, however you soon discover that the geography that the author comes up with for neighbouring counties, as well as the types of races is not like China at all. This book is clearly set in a fantasy world that includes magic and dragons. Although, do not read this if you want a story in which that is all it is about. While those things are mentioned, the story that it told is actually one that is more realistic, but very endearing.

If you want a book with a female lead that is all badass and follows the Katniss Everdean archetype, then don't bother. The author instead writes from a female point of view in which is very believable. They don't try and make Daiyu this all-in-one superhero, but instead focus on giving her important personality traits that are needed in order for her to progress and cope with the situation that she is in. 

I found that the theme of this book is understanding. Daiyu doesn't attempt to change her betrothed, but instead makes an effort to know more about him. It was very interesting to me to see how someone can change, but the change will only be in your eyes. It reminded me of the saying, "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude."

The author is currently working on another book in which it takes place in the same world, but follows a totally different story. So if you end up liking Drakkon, I suggest reading Warrior's Lullaby. It has also been announced that another book is being written that follows the story of a character that is found in Drakkon, and will also include other characters from the book.**

**The sequel is Drakkon, has been taken down after a few chapters were written. Hopefully it will also be put up again.

Summery as provided by the author:

When Daiyu is summoned with dozens of other girls to be the Emperor's concubine, she doesn't think that she'll be chosen. Although beautiful and kind, she's hardly qualified to be with the emperor, whose name is stained with blood and whose reputation is blacker than sin. When she accidentally catches the eye of Emperor Meilin, however, he surprises her by naming her his bride and future empress of the empire. 

How will the kind and sweet Daiyu escape from the clutches of the emperor? Will he capture his little rabbit, or will she run before it's too late?

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