Dying For a Living

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Category: Paranormal
Rating: 8.5/10

I was really debating with myself for awhile if I should include this on my list. The reason being that I recently went to read the sequel that is up on Wattpad, and the quality just isn't there. I didn't research it too much, so it may be that it is a rough copy. The first book, however, is amazing, and for sure will get your mind wandering on what will happen next. If you are the type of person that likes to make up scenarios in your head when a story is finished, then for sure give this a read.

This story is filled with so much mystery, that it really has you questioning what is going on throughout the entire thing (in a good way). I really loved the humour of the main character, and her personality, which is important in a first-person book.

The whole idea of having people replace others in death is really new and interesting to me. It's an original piece of work, and a concept that I haven't seen yet, which is really refreshing. The author just doesn't stop at saying what the ability is, but goes on to provide an explanation on how it works, as well as people who help manage those who have it. I think it's because of this that it makes the story more believable, which is really hard to do when writing about anything supernatural. What the Marvel universe did for us in creating a world where mutants live, the author has done the same here.

Summery as written by the author:

On the morning before her 67th death, it is business as usual for Jesse Sullivan: meet with the mortician, counsel soon-to-be-dead clients, and have coffee while reading the latest regeneration theory. Jesse dies for a living, literally. As a Necronite, she is one of the population's rare 2% who can serve as a death replacement agent, dying so others don't have to. Although each death is different, the result is the same: a life is saved, and Jesse resurrects days later with sore muscles, new scars, and another hole in her memory. But when Jesse is murdered and becomes the sole suspect in a federal investigation, more than her freedom and sanity are at stake. She must catch the killer herself—or die trying.

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