Chapter 8

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Zayn's P.O.V.

"Are you coming to the rave with us, Zayn?" I hear Niall ask me as I step into the living room. Liam is leaning against the kitchen counter, staring at me, waiting for an answer. I try to be casual when I scan his toned body. I'm assuming he only sleeps shirtless, all he's wearing is a pair of boxers.

"Uh...just the three of us?" I ask, ignoring the way Liam's eyes look against the pale morning light seeping in through the window.

Niall nods. "And maybe my girlfriend, Melissa."

I scratch the back of my neck. "When is this?" I ask.

"Tonight at 8, it's a far drive off campus so we'll leave at around 6." Liam finally speaks up, a low raspiness to his deep voice.

"Alright but I'm not doing any drugs or anything." I tell them. "I'm gonna go get ready for class."

"Squad." Niall mumbles and I give him a weird look before heading back to my room. I came in to get breakfast but I would have to walk past Liam to get to the food. I don't know why he makes me feel so nervous.

I rip off the sweatshirt that I slept in, it was really cold last night. I slip on a pair of sweatpants that hang low on my hips. I stand in front off the full length mirror that hangs on my door.

I don't work out often but I'm blessed with a fast metabolism. I still have the lightest six pack from my days on the football team and I'm pleased to see my v line still present. Maybe I should start working out again. Liam would like that, right? Since he's really athletic?

I shake the weird thoughts from my head and turn around to grab a shirt when I hear my door swinging open. I whip around to find Liam leaning against the door frame, smirking.

"You like what you see, Zee?" He smirks.

I roll my eyes. "Get out Liam."

"Alright but don't think that I didn't notice the way you were practically eye fucking me in the living room, earlier." He says and slams the door shut. I'm glad he can't see my burning cheeks.

I wasn't eye fucking him. I was just looking at his torso for...inspiration. I want to be more athletic, like him. Yea.

I quickly slip on a shirt and decide to leave my hair in the fluffy mess that it is. I'm too tired to try to make it into my signature, boy band looking quiff. I'll do my hair for the rave tonight.

I take my stuff and head to the bathroom which is just down the hall. I see men everywhere, showering, shaving, brushing their teeth.

I find an empty sink where I set my stuff down. I take out my toothbrush and toothpaste. I wet the brush with water and begin brushing my teeth. I care a lot more about my teeth than a normal guy probably would. I was one of the only kids in my city to get braces and I also buy things online to brighten my teeth.

My mind breaks out of its current day dream state when I hear angry voices.

"Fucking faggot."

"He was totally looking at your dick, man."

"Don't stand so close, you might catch the gay."

"I'm gonna kill you, asshole."

I walk over to where the commotion is happening, a small circle forming around a group of guys.

I have to stand on my tip toes to see over some of these tall people. My eyes widen when I see Liam laying on the ground. He's pinned down by three guys, one standing over him, screaming in his face.

He tries to cover his worried look with a hard glare but I can see the fear and humiliation in his eyes.

I'm scared and I don't know what to do. I can't say something, I'm small and we all know that they could break my face in with one move.

But seeing Liam being treated this way, just because of his sexuality makes me feel really weird.

I quickly run back to the sink and spit my toothpaste out. I rinse out my mouth and wipe my mouth with the back of my hand before running over to the crowd which is now dragging Liam to the bathroom stalls.

"Drown him in the toilets!"

I begin shaking in fear as they begin screaming nasty and horrible things. There's gotta be at least 20 people here. Liam has no chance.

Suddenly, I hear a strangled scream which very clearly belongs to Liam. This breaks me out of my trance and I begin elbowing my way through the crowd.

What the hell am I doing? I'm so stupid. This isn't going to do anything but get both of us in trouble.

I take a deep breath and break my way through one last layer of people until I'm standing right in front of Liam in the small bathroom.

His eyes are closed, a silent tear rolling down his cheek as they try to force him into a stall.

I take one last deep breath and ball my fists. "I called the cops and they're going to be here any second now!" I scream and everyone goes quiet.

I'm glad to see a couple guys in the back, scrambling to get away. The ones in the front only laugh at me. "This should only take a minute. Help me get him in, Jared. Someone hold the little brown kid back." The main guy says. He has greasy, blonde hair and a mustache that reminds me of hitler.

I look down at Liam who's now looking at me, a grateful look on his face. His mouth is taped up with some cheap duct tape so he can't say anything but I can see his eyes are pleading for help.

I feel someone grab my shoulder and I spin around, forcing him to let go of me.

"Don't touch me!" I scream, trying to give them my best glare but my hands are shaking really bad.

Grease man rolls his eyes. "These fags aren't worth getting arrested over. Let's just get out of here."

I sigh in relief when they file out one by one. I get spit on twice but at least Liam is still alive.

I turn around to see that Liam has already pulled the tape off but now he's curled up in a corner, tears rolling down his face.

I bite my lip and sit down next to him. I've never seen him look so vulnerable. He's like a lost puppy with his big, sad eyes.

I nudge him with my shoulder. "You all good, Payno?" I whisper to him.

He shudders and looks down at his hands. "I'm pathetic." He mumbles.

I frown and cross my legs. "What makes you say that?"

He shrugs. "I always try to act touch and big t-to scare off people cuz I....I'm scared of all the uh...the people who bullied me. I've been seriously bullied ever since I came out in year 7. But now it's p-pretty obvious that I can't p-protect myself and I-I..." He stops talking and his painful sobs fill the room.

I awkwardly wrap my arm around his shoulder and I'm surprised when he leans his head on my shoulder, cuddling into me. "And I'm s-sorry for being so mean to you. I-I know you're straight and..." He hiccups and sniffs.

"Yup. I'm straight." I mumble to myself and rub his back.

"You're so strong, Liam. I don't know what happened today but from the few days that I've known you, I know that you'll be able to work through this. You're smart and popular, you got this." I say, cringing at my terrible pep talk.

He scoffs. "Popular, yea right. I sleep around with people who don't give two shits about me cuz I'm so lonely. No one actually sticks by my side."

I frown and just continue rubbing his firm back.

"I'm sorry f-for dumping all this on you." He sniffs and begins getting up. "I'm gonna take a sick day. Have fun at class." He mumbles and begins walking away.

I don't know what comes over me but I follow after him, tapping his shoulder. As soon as he turns around, I hug his torso tight. He freezes but soon enough, his arms wrap around my body.

"Don't be sorry. I'm here for you if you need it, yea?" I whisper and breath in his smell. He smells like deodorant and new shoes.

"Thank you."

Gay Is Bad-ZiamWhere stories live. Discover now