Chapter 7

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Whitney's P.O.V:

No! It's Monday. I was walking into school when I got a surprise. Jordan was in school. Great. "Oh look it's the Nerd Agent's daughter!" Jordan says and her friends laugh. I roll my eyes and go to my locker and put my stuff in it. I grab my folders, a note book,& my pencil case. Me and my friends talk for a while. Then all of the sudden the hallway goes quiet. I look and see Uncle Tony, Aunt Ziva, Uncle Gibbs, and my Dad walk down the hallway with Hawkeye. I pet Hawkeye and look at them. "What are you guys doing here?" I ask. "We have a case so you need to watch her." Uncle Gibbs says. "Mr. Shiner called your Teachers." Uncle Tony says handing me Hawkeye's leash. The Guys kiss my head and Aunt Ziva hugs me then they walk away. "Who is this?" Heather asks petting Hawkeye. "Hawkeye she is a police dog in training." I say. Then the bell rings. "See ya guys later." I say. "Whitney school doesn't start for 10 minutes." Emily says. "I want to scare Kyle and Tylor." I say. When I get to the stair well I see Jordan and her crew. Hawkeye barks at them. "Shut Up Mut." Jordan sneers. "Jordan she is a police dog in training I would be careful." I say. When I get in the classroom Mrs. Thill says. "Whitney Just have her lay next to you." Kyle and Tylor look at me in shock. "Hi Guys." I say and take my seat. When everyone gets in the classroom they ask questions about Hawkeye. I go to the Navy yard after school. I get my visitors pass and go to the bullpen. When I get there everyone Is in front of one of the TVs. I Sit in Gibbs' desk. I look at the screen and say. "That is Samantha Jackson. She is a senior in my school." I say. They all looked at me. " Whitney just the girl I wanted to see." Uncle Vance says. He's caring a box. This can't be good. "Stand up and spread your arms out." he says. I do as I am told. He put something around my neck, something on my head, and put some stuff in my arms. "Open." he says. I see a bulletproof vest and a sweat shirt that said 'NCIS Special Agent.' I had a badge around my neck and a ball cap on.  "No way!" I say. "Welcome to N.C.I.S. but you are an Intern but you can go in the field." Uncle Vance says. I put n the vest then the sweatshirt, put on the badge and cap. "But what about school I wont be able to help on cases very much. "Mondays and Thursdays you don't go to school you come here, and if we work on weekends you come with your Dad." Uncle Vance says. "Yay!" I say with a smile. "When Hawkeye is trained he will work with you. So get to work. And after school you come here." Uncle Vance says. "Lets get to work." Gibbs says sitting me in the cubical that is next to my Dad's desk. My Dad gave me the pass word and stuff for my desk. I help them with what ever I can. By that I mean I followed Uncle Gibbs. "Whitney dear congratulations on your "Job"." Uncle Ducky says. "Good job Kid." Uncle Jimmy says. That night we had everyone over for dinner to celebrate. My Friends, their family, and my Family. We had a Mexican dish called, Mexican stuffed shells. This is the best Monday ever.

 This is the best Monday ever

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 Whitney's badge^^^

Whitney's Ball cap^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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Whitney's Ball cap^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Whitney's Sweatshirt^^^^^^^^(Pretend the 'based on the TV series is not there)

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Whitney's Sweatshirt^^^^^^^^(Pretend the 'based on the TV series is not there)

Whitney's Sweatshirt^^^^^^^^(Pretend the 'based on the TV series is not there)

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Mexican stuffed shells^^^^(it is very good)

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