Chapter 8

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Tim's P.O.V: 

I drop Whit off at school and before I let her out I ask. "What do you have on you?" She sighs and pulls her badge out. "If anything happens I can help am an Agent in training." She says. "You are baby girl just don't go showing it off like it's a hot rod." I say and kiss her head. She tucks the badge in her shirt and goes in the building. When I get to the Navy Yard I go inside and start work that was in till I got a call at 10:50 That caused the team and I to run to Whitney's school.

Whitney's P.O.V: 

"We are going into emergency lock down! Please evacuation to class room a and if near an exit go to the safety zones." Mr. Shiner says over the intercom. I pull my badge out of under my shirt and say. "Mrs. Nixon Lock the door behind me." I say. "Whitney you are not going out there." She says. The kids in the class try to talk me out of it but I don't listen, Like always. "When I was given this badge it was taking an oath to protect people and that is what i am going to do." I say holding the badge.    Then being me I walk out the door. I go to my locker and grab my stuff. Yea I kinda lied to my dad. When I met the others Uncle Gibbs' had me take gun safety so I am permitted a gun. Too bad I don't have one. But rule number nine saves me. Always carry a knife. I go to the office to see if they are okay. I go in and see them. "What are you doing out of class Whitney." one of the secretaries asks. The gun that is kept for the agent in training from N.C.I.S. well that's me I am going to help." I say showing my badge. They hand me the gun. "When you lets police in tell them 'm in here helping." I say. When they nod I walk out of the office. I go to the first set of stairs While clearing the building. I clear almost the hole second floor in till............................................................................................................................

Gibbs' P.O.V:

We get there just as the police do. FBI is there to that means Fornell. "Gibbs' your not getting in there." he says. "The hell with that my daughter is in there." McGee says. "Yes she is an Agent in training and she most likely clearing floors with the Gun that is kept her for her in cases like this." I say. "How old is she?" Fornell asks. "Just turned 14 a few days ago." McGee says. "Fine Move in and If you see a girl with.........." He trailed off. "Curly Brown Hair with Purple frame glasses with a gun identify yourself as an Agent!" I say. We go in and Me and McGee go up the Sixth grade hallway stairs and we hear a gun shot and Whitney scream in pain. "You mother fucker!" Whitney yells. We run and look around the corner and see Whitney. "Rule Number 52 - Never underestimate your opponent!" Whitney yells and headbutts him and takes the gun, Then Kicks him in the gut. He falls to the ground. "Micheal Jason you are under arrest for endangerment of minors and attacking a Federal Agent in training, 

You have the right to remain silent.If you do say anything, it can be used against you in a court of law.You have the right to have a lawyer present during any questioning.If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you if you so desire. do you understand your rights?" She asks. "Nice Job Whit." I say tossing her handcuffs. "Thanks and I added one of DiNozzo's rules to your's hope you don't mind." She says. "Well Whitney every member has their rules to go by so why don't you?" I ask. "Number 2" She says. "What?" I ask standing the guy up for her. "Rule number 2 Never underestimate your opponent." She says. "Are we just going to forget Whitney Was shot?!?!" McGee asks. "Shit!" I say. "McGee take the guy." I say. When he does I put pressure on Whitney's Gun Shot wound. "Ow!" She Yelps. "Boss!" DiNozzo  says. "Whitney was the one shot?!?!" Ziva asks. "The Guy got the worst of it Whit beat his ass." I say.  Whitney Leads the Guys out side but I am still holding her shoulder. Kids are still getting to buses and see us. I recognized Heather. She sees Whit leading the guy and starts clapping. When everyone sees what she is clapping at they clap to. Ducky stitches Whitney up.  When we get back to the Bullpen Vance claps and everyone else does to. "So Whit what are your rules?" I ask. "Don' have em all yet." She says. "You told me two what's one?" I ask. "Family comes first." She says looking at everyone one with a smile on her face. 


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