Chapter 12

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Tony's POV:

I can't tell what Whitney is feeling. Mad, sad, I can't tell. "Whit.... Do you want me to get your dad?" I ask. She shakes her head yes. I go to the bullpen, I took Whitney to a conference room so if she needs to break down no one would think any less of her. I get to the bullpen and Clear my throat because everyone even Abby is there. "What DiNozzo?" Boss asks me. "We found the Wife." I said. "Who?" Ziva asks. "You won't like it but... Samantha Johnson." McGee looks pissed. "She was married." McGee asks "15 years." I reply. "Where's my daughter?" Tim asks. "Follow me." I say leading then to the conference room O left Whitney. When we walk in she has not move. And she's made. "I have 2 half siblings." Whitney spoke. "They're twins. And they are 1 year younger then me." She goes on. "Whitney you and Ziva go get them." Gibbs says. "Yes sir." Then they walk out of the room. "Boss you know that we might not get the family if Whitney goes right?" I ask. "DiNozzo, Mrs. Johnson has put her throw a lot these past years. And turns out she had kids after Whitney and actually kept them. That Woman deserves it t if she is to get it." Gibbs says. "Let Whitney and McGee question them." I say. "What?" The others ask. "Let them see how Tim and McGee are and make her think she made a Mistake." I say. "Good Idea."

~With They Girls~

Whitney's POV:

I'm about to become face to face with my birth mom. Ziva squeezes my hand for support. I knock on the door. A boy Zack answers the door. "May I help you?" He asks. "N.C.I.S. Agent in training Whitney McGee and this is Special Agent Ziva David. You and your family need to come with us." I say. "Why?" Samantha Johnson asks."Your husband was murdered. " I say bluntly. "What?" They ask. "Just Come on!" I say getting in the car. "Who is that?" Sandra asks. "Soon to be Special Agent Whitney McGee." Ziva says. Samantha looks like a light went off. "Boy you have grown." She said from the back seat. "I don't people who try to abort baby's." I say. "So you know the story?" She asks. Ziva grips the steering wheel. "Ziva Israeli driving. & Yes I know how you wanted to abort me." Ziva grins and starts driving like a maniac. "What?!?" Zack and Sandra ask in sync. "That is your half sister." Samantha says. "I wouldn't call you a Mom." I say. "She's a great Mom." Zack defends. "Zack she tried to abort Agent McGee up there." Sandra says. When we get to N.C.I.S. I say. "Ziva take them I'm going to see Abby." And walk off. I didn't know know Uncle Gibbs, Borin, Dad & Uncle Tony were there. "Abby my biological Mom is a Bitch!" I say entering the lab. "Did she say anything to you." Dad asks. "She tried to talk to me like she knew me." I say. Then I get an idea." Abby pretend to be Dad's fiancé. " I beg. "Okay." She says. I go to my bag and get the ring out of it. Then I give it to Abby. "How...." She trails off. "I had a feeling I might need it for something." I explain. "Um okay." Tony says. After Gibbs says me and Dad will be asking them questions I smile. "Yeah we are picking up the bride's maid's dresses tomorrow." I say to Dad as we entered the conference room. "Okay Sweetheart." Dad says back. "Bride's Maid's dresses? Who's getting married?" Samantha asks. "Me." Dad says. She looks shocked. "Yeah because he wasn't married when you two were dating and had me." I say. After a while we were done. Good I don't like her.

Part 3 coming up!

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