~Chapter 10~

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Jake and I are sitting across from each other on the floor and Scott decided to sit next to him. They're both staring at me as my phone rings and rings and rings.

"Aren't you going to answer that?", Jake questions.

The truth is, I don't want to answer it. Gavin is probably just going to yell at me anyways.

Instead of answering I text him.

Staying at hotel for the night, brother will drive me back home tomorrow.

I ignore the thirty messages that he sent and turn off my phone.

I know that he's pissed but I've had enough drama for the day. "Well today sucked," I say along with a deep sigh.

"Hey maybe tomorrow will be better," Scott comforts with a warm smile.

I force myself not to smile back but my heart defeats me. His smile is just too contagious. "Yeah maybe," I respond.

"So is he going to pick you up?", Jake asks.

"No I was hoping that I could stay here for the night," I answer.

I can't go to my moms house now. It's already getting late and i don't want to bother her.

Jake and Scott both look at each other and shake their heads. "Sorry but you can't, we're throwing a party," Jake states.


"So...Summer can't be around loud people and alcohol," Jake says.

"Well where the hell am I supposed to go?," I ask.

"Maybe your boyfriend could pick you up," Scott suggests.

I could feel how my anger is starting to build up again in the pit of my stomach.

"Fine! I'll just go to a hotel then if you guys want to be stubborn assholes," I snap and walk off to find Summer.

Scott just sits there on the floor with a blank expression on his face while Jake shakes his head and sighs.

"Summer, where are you we have to go!", I practically yell. I walk into where one of the doors is creaked open slightly and see Summer sitting on the bed with a sad frown. Dammit.

"I heard you guys talking, the walls are thin," she says not very audible.

Then she starts to cry. Awesome.. Freaking awesome! I go to hug her and she lets me.

After a couple minutes she stops crying. I used the same technique that Jake used to calm me down.

"I think she's lying to us," I hear my brother say through the walls.

"No shit sherlock, I'm pretty sure that her and lover boy are arguing," Scott states confidently.

What the heck? Why are they gossiping about me?

"The guy looks like an ass, I don't trust him one bit," he adds.

"Maybe I could drive her and her sister to her mums house," Scott suggests after completely insulting my boyfriend.

"You don't mind?," Jake asks him.

"No it's fine, we can't just ditch them at a hotel; that's your sister man," Scott responds.

"I wouldn't ditch them," Jake huffs.

Seconds later, I hear footsteps and the door in the room Summer and I are in creaks opens more than it already was. It's Scott.

"Hey, I'm uh...going to take you guys to your mums house," he calmly tells us.

"It's late though," I declare.

"Yeah but you and her staying here isn't going to work."

"Why do I have to go?", I ask not really knowing why I'm asking to stay.

"Oh I just figured that you.. You know wanted to see your mom," he answers.

"I do...but I could see her tomorrow, besides I want to see some of my old friends. I'm sure that Jake invited a majority of them."

"I'm not sure if he'll be okay with that," he warns.

"It's not his decision, you did invite me earlier... remember," I remind him.

He sighs in defeat and after a couple of seconds he simply says, "Okay."

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