~Chapter 15~

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I walk right past him and he grabs my wrist. Hard. I turn around and yell, "what the hell!"

He doesn't say anything. He just stares at me angrily. "Let me go Gavin. Now! I'm warning you!", I'm screaming now. He hates attention, like me, but he isn't budging.

"Your warning me?!? Your mother fucking warning me! Are you fucking delirious!", he's yelling now too. He's never yelled like this to me, not this loud. Not ever in public. He never touched me either and if I wasn't so fucking pissed I would be scared out of my mind.

"I'm sorry daddy is their a problem!" I try to rip my arm away but it doesn't work, he just tightens his grip some more. I'm not gonna lie it hurts.

"Yes you little bitch, you can't just not call me or answer any of my texts. What fuck were you doing that you were so busy, you couldn't answer the damn phone!

Were you too busy sticking your tongue down someone's throat maybe? Or maybe you were having a little bit more fun than that, huh?" He's extremely loud now and I don't trust myself to respond.

He lets go of my wrist and steps closer, he corners me on a the concrete wall on the gated part of my brothers home. He places his hands on the wall, having me in between. Gavin's about an inch away from me now and I'm starting to freak out a little. He wouldn't hurt me physically though. I know he wouldn't. He's a dick but he wouldn't hurt me. That is, except for now as he's squeezing the life out of my wrists. One hand stays on the wall but the other holds my two wrists together.

He looks into my eyes and I keep a straight face. He slaps his hand against the wall and I flinch.

"You need to stop," I say in a not very audible tone.

Gavin grabs my waist and curls his hands against them. What the?

"Your mine, that's all you will ever be. Nothing else, do you hear me?", he asks.

I don't know if he wants to hit or rape me or none, but I'm scared now. I know he wouldn't do either one of those things, but he's acting like a psycho right now.

Suddenly Gavin is pulled back by someone and slammed to the ground. My eyes widen when someone's fist connects with his jaw but I just stand in shock. I get a better look at who's hurting him, and my eyes widen some more when I see that it's Scott. Scott beating up Gavin. I did not see this coming.

"You like to talk down to her don't you, you little fucker," Scott pants.

Gavin just lays there while he's being punched consistently. If Scott doesn't stop, then he might kill the guy.

"Scott," I scream. He doesn't hear me as he continues to hit Gavin. "Scott your going to kill him, Stop!" I'm crying now like really crying. Why do I bring drama every where I go?

"Valerie! Where are you, what's wrong?" It's Jake and he's concerned. He must have heard me screaming Scott's name. I wave at him to come over. As Jake runs to grab Scott away from Gavin, Scott's elbow aligns with his jaw. He falls back. Jake waves at a two other guys to come over and they yank Scott off off Gavin.

I go back against the wall and slide down. I just stare at the ground in disappointment. "I did this, I always do this," I say in my head a couple of times so that it could sink in. Scott and Gavin glare angrily at each other and honestly I'm surprised that Gavin could even get up from the beating that he just took. The murderous looks that their giving makes me want to throw up and I suddenly feel the urge to. I run to a bush on the sidewalk and vomit behind it. I haven't eaten all day, yet I'm vomiting like I had just eaten at a Chinese buffet.

Jake steps behind me and rubs my back. My hairs in a pony tail so he doesn't have to hold it. Eventually, after a couple minutes of vomiting I stop. I'm so glad that I never drank that vodka, or else this would be much worse.

One of Jake's friends give me a napkin and I wipe at my mouth just in case. I feel gross and I need a bathroom asap.

As I head back to the house Gavin dares to do it again. He grabs at my wrist and says confidently, "your coming with me."

I could feel Scott staring at me waiting for me to say something. This is it. This is when I choose one and I let go of the other. However right now, I want to choose no one.

I look at Scott and back at Gavin.

"I'm not going anywhere with you."

Gavin scoffs and Jake steps in.

"Let go of her right now or I'm calling the cops!"

"Are you threatening me?," Gavin asked while turning to face him. Of course, he's still applying pressure to my wrist.

"What does it sound like smart ass! You heard her, she says that she doesn't want to go anywhere with you!," Jake yells.

Gavin straight up laughs in his face and starts to ramble, "I can easily have this whole damn party shut down! I could have you living broke along with your shitty excuse of a sister! I could ruin both of you, hell, all of you! I know people on the force so you won't be doing anything good by calling the police."

"Did I sound hesitant, I said let go of my sister," Jake continues, not taking anything Gavin said into consideration.

"If you don't get the fuck away from her then I'll make sure I'll do my best to snap your neck this time," Scott speaks up.

Gavin snaps his head back and I use this as an excuse to pull away. I finally succeed at doing so and start to walk back to the house quickly. I need to get away, even if it's in the house.

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