~Chapter 18~

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"You look good too," I smile at Marcus. Scott shoots me hate glares and I shift on the couch awkwardly when Jake walks in and sits next to me, after greeting Marcus of course.

"Oh..hey Scott long time no see, huh? old buddy old pal," Marcus beams. He places an arm over Scott and shakes his hair with his free hand. Scotts hair is now super messy on his head.

Before Scott can yank his arm off, Marcus takes his arm away and just walks towards me.

"We were neither, if you don't remember correctly," Scott states. He's angry, I could tell because his fists are at his sides and his lips are pressed into a straight line.

"Haha yeah.", Marcus dismissively responds. Marcus and Scott never really liked each other back then. They were both the top good looking kids at school, besides Jason Matherins, but he's not relevant right now.

Anywho, they hated each other but Marcus got along with my brother. Jake never was extremely close with Marcus though because of Scott of course.

However, it was my advantage because if they were friends then that meant that I would have had to always see Scott and Marcus in one room together. No thank you.

"What are you doing in town?", my brother asks Marcus.

"I came to visit my mummy and I figured that I'd swing by here for a little while." He smirks at me before saying, "but now that your sisters here.."

Jake quickly glances at Scott but Scott doesn't say anything. He just stays there upset. I wonder what the hell he's thinking about?

"I'm hella staying longer!"

I laugh and then stop abruptly when Scott gives me another glare.

"Valerie, can we talk please," Scott asks through clenched teeth.

I nod and stand up to walk towards him. He opens the door to the back yard and I follow behind him.

Once he closes the door he gives me another death glare.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

I open my mouth vigorously as he dares to speak to me like this.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I question.

"Me? Fucking me! You're the one whose flirting with that dipshit!" Our voices aren't low but not loud enough for them to hear clearly inside.

"What?!? You call that flirting because I call that being polite." I simply state.

He starts pacing back and forth and I stare at him blankly. Why is he acting like a fucking weirdo.

"Why are you acting like a fucking weirdo?" I say my thoughts aloud. He stops to face me and drops his hands that were previously on the back of his head, to his sides.

"I'm not. I just don't appreciate how he was complimenting you dirty like and you just let him." He replies calmer than before.

"If it bothered you then why didn't you stick your head out of your ass and call him out on it. I was waiting for you to do so, Honestly. Your were simply just acting like a pussy." I say this with a simply nonchalant tone in my voice.

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