~Chapter 32~

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The car ride is silent for a couple of minutes before I speak up.

"So what were you doing at a restaurant?" I didn't like the thought of him dining with another girl.

He mentioned how he was at a restaurant when I accidentally called him, and I didn't comment on it when he said It, during his frantic episode.

I'm still trying to process everything that just happened.

I mean, I got into that one situation with a guy in that other party but I was drunk of my ass and I wanted to be with him probably as much as he wanted to be with me.

I don't even remember his face.

The only thing I got from that night was what Scott told me. This time was different.

I wasn't drunk at all nor did I even have a single drink. This guy was going to rape me.

If it wasn't for Connor breaking in....I don't even want to think of the possibilities.

"I uh-" he clears his throat before continuing.

"I was having dinner," he states.

"No! Really? I never would have guessed it!" I state sarcastically.

It's unbelievable really. Tonight was horrible but he still gets some other emotion out of me, humor.

He chuckles then pulls the car over to a street side.

He takes the key out of ignition and stares at me. I stare back at him and we stay like this for a while.

"I was having dinner with a girl."

"Oh," I break my gaze and turn my head slowly to stare out the window to see the dark green leaved colored trees to my right side.

I'm not going to lie, I had a little hope that he was at a family dinner or something but I should of known.

This is Scott we're talking about.

"I guess that this was a sign," he says out of the blue.

I break out of my blank thoughts to look at him.


"I've been trying real hard not to think about you. You found a way into my mind and I just can't get you out. When I heard you screaming on the phone call, something in me just hurt. My heart practically shattered into ten million pieces and it started to pound so heavily out of my chest that I could barely find enough space for me to breath. It's like the world stopped and you were the only thing on my mind. I should of been there for you but I'm so fucking stubborn. I don't let people in but I just can't seem to let you out. I want to be there for you Val. I want to protect you and I want to be the one who comes to your rescue."

I don't say anything instead I just stare at him and then break my gaze to look straight ahead.

"What's wrong? Am I not enough? I fucked up right! I had the chance for you to be mine and I fucked it up, right?!?

Damn it Val, say something!" He snaps.

"Are you lying to me," I suddenly state in a calm tone.


"I've heard you say sweet words before, Scott, and then you took them back. I held your words so close to my heart and then you stole them away. I didn't lie when I said that I've had feelings for you since I was a teenager."

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