~Chapter 38~

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~~~~~So I wanted to share with everyone that if I could get 2k reads, then I'm definitely doing a second book. I just want to make sure that I do have an audience and that people do want to read my story. Just precaution peeps.~~~~~

•^•^•^•^•^Also commenting and voting rlly helps me know that you're there. So guys, plz try to do one of the two or even both. Thank you and happy reading. Also it's the week of Christmas and also my b-day is in two days so I'm excited lmao but yeah happy holidays everyone, this is my gift to youuuu. Omg! It's like a 'remember' special. ^•^•^•^•^•^



Now that's the sound of Scott waking me up in the worst way that ANYONE IN THIER RIGHT MIND would like to wake up, I mean seriously. Why yell so loud?

"Ughhhhhh.....hmmm...chchchch...shhhh," those are the weird ass sounds I made as an attempt for him to be quiettteeee.

Suddenly I feel a wetness on my arm, then my hand, then my stomach, then my-

"IM UP!" I announce and quickly sit up with my eyes wide as ever.

Scott is just sitting there all smug, like he just made his first child's diaper.

"You are playing in a dirty battlefield my friend," I smile; a genuinely happy smile, that I haven't had in a while.

I've been so miserable and sad recently, and not the sad as in the aspca commercials but sad as in 'wow what a loser, she's a sad person.' Yes I just called myself a loser. I mean, I've been partying, getting into bad situations, drinking too much, I really didn't think anything through before yesterday.

Scott gets up and runs away like a little kid. It's so random but it reminds me of when we were little. After all, I've known Scott since I was a kid. We've know each other our whole lives, but now our connection is just deeper.

Scott is no longer my brother's best friend or the small crush I had when I was a teenager. He's this amazing guy with all of these corners that I have yet to discover.

Scott runs into the bathroom and I chase after him and when I run in and grab his arms to hold him steady, he lets me.

His body feels very loose especially down there, I wonder why?

I look down slowly and when I do, I gasp and punch Scott in his right arm.


"Ohh Valie come on let's take a shower," Scott pleads.

"Scott I don't know about this, I'm not very comfortable doing this," I admit.

"What? Why? Your body is gorgeous?!?"

"You haven't seen my full body naked yet Scott, like ever...No one has."

"And I..*hands him a towel* (not that he bothers to wrap it around him) have never seen your body naked either."

"Valie...okay well you have seen me naked."

I look questioningly at him.

"Oh I mean Right now you just saw me naked," he confirms.

I roll my eyes and he looks at me apologetically.

"Alright Valie, I'm not going to force you into anything you don't want to do. I do want you to know that I'll always want it tho," he hints.

With that, he puts on his pants and lifts me in the air.

He lays down, still managing to hold me, and then places me cradled on top of him.

He just looks into my eyes and I look into his.

My phone beeps and I check to see who it is, It's Cassidy.

Cassidy: Heyyy Valerie so like John and I are going to be out this weekend on a little romantic vacation to the Bahamas.

Cassidy: We'll be back on Tuesday, okie just wanted to let you know byeeee.

"I can't believe you had sex with her and she didn't tell me," I fume.

"She knew that it was me though? Like, your Scott?"

My heart warms when he says your, Claiming that he's mine and that I'm his.
I'm still, however, very-very pissed.

"She's never seen your picture, but she knew your name!," I shriek my words mid sentence.

"First and last?" He asks.

"No, Gosh Scott stop defending her!"

I know I'm being petty, I feel bad. Let me take that back.

"I'm not!" He looks so shocked and hurt at the same time.

"I-I'm so sorry Scott. I just don't know what to think of people anymore," I say with a low and ashamed voice.

I look to the floor at this ceramic tile that was once gorgeous like the rest; however, it was chipped a little on the side. Yet, I still see it. I see how small it is and I see how it's smallness compared to the rest of them makes it so much bigger. I see how it is completely different from all of the others and even if that one tile can have its small piece stitched back. It still has a scar to always leave a reminder that it was once broken.

I feel like that chipped tile and Scott is my glue. For some reason I feel slightly broken and I don't know why.

"Life isn't a tile," Scott says.

Wait, what the hell. I'm like 99.99999 percent positive that I said all of that in my head.


"What? I just said "look it's almost time."

He looks concerned but I'm just crazy.

I kiss him softly but linger around his lips for a single second, then I pull away slowly.

"Don't worry about me Scotty," I tease.

"I can't Val."

"Damn it, Valie," he says under his breath. I roll my eyes.

"I can't valie..." he corrects himself.

"Because you're my life now and all I want to do is be around you, fall more in love with you, and well, worry about you. You're my number one priority," he says in such a solemn and soft voice.

I don't even say anything, I just place my forehead against his and cup his cheeks with my hands. He places his hands on mine and that just sets the whole mood.

I am so in love with this boy, that it's insane.

Every second spent with him recently, is a glorious daydream and I wouldn't replace it with anything else in the world.

RememberOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora